Mining hasn't been profitable in the UK for a long time even with the latest efficient hardware. I've been running my miners at a loss until recently simply because I like supporting the network and its an interesting hobby. It was also creating some heat during the winter months to offset the loss a little.
Now its spring and its warmed up I cant justify the expense any more so have just sold them and doubt very much whether it'll be worth mining again.
Very sad times indeed
Well, yes. The era of small house miners, especially rigs, has come to an end. There are some cloud mining options which can still be profitable with constant reinvesting. But 2009-2012 level of mining s over.
The hard part I see with a lot of Europe is VAT. Depending on country and tax it adds a additional amount to ROI. Combine that and high electricity it's a loss. If it's that bad I suggest looking into hosting.
Mining is still here and going strong, just is no longer the 90 day ROI almost guarantee. Also a big chance the miners are only good for miners day's of GPU's are over. GPU's did a good job of keeping a lot of your investment with secondary markets afterwards having gamers as well as miners.
With low electricity, no vat I still say mining will last. At next halfing I don't know what will happen but it will go for a the immediate future.