Dear users, thanks for using CryptoTradeEx, an high end cryptocurrency exchange.
First let us ensure that every fund you actually have on CTE is safe and cold stored.
Due to security update we made some improvements and upgrades to our backend infrastructure.
For a major security in this process we had to reset the users password, cause we choose a stronger algorithm to encrypt the users personal datas.
Automatic change for password is now disabled so the only way you have to update your account password is to open a ticket on and request it manually.
Please use ticket title “Password change procedure” and send us the following infos:
- Your email;
- Your Account password;
- Your desired new password.
If you prefer that we generate a random password for you, that you can later change, just provide the first two parameters.
We apologise for the inconvenience, our support staff will be online 24/7 for the next days to support password change process running smooth and fast.
Best Regards,
Erik - CryptoTradeEx CEO.