So, this is not a really a new gambling site,is it?
This is a new graphic intephace for,right?
I don't know if it would be good for the house to make the user conscient about he is losing
In my opinion it is a mess to have everything with different names,different sites,different interfaces.. I have been reading all I have finished a little bit crazy with changes and references to one and other site. It would be really good if you could unify everything with a same brand, or at least unify this graphic interface with bustabit
moneypot moved to and the new moneypot is the vault, currently only for dustdice but soon for others too and bustabit will be one of them soon too.
Does nobody like this game? I am the only one who wagered last hour
I'm willing to help attract more people:
for every 1.000.000 bits you bit i'll send you 1.000 bits