As you may already know, I operate an
Open Transactions server.
Basically it lets people trade tokens that represent assets.
The actual assets include such things as bitcoins, devcoins, namecoins, groupcoins, ixcoins, i0coins, litecoins...
I am not eager to spend all day processing bailing-in of such assets and bailing-out of such assets.
Thus I am interested in establishing market makers... people who buy tokens from users and sell tokens to users.
This is quite a normal arrangement, e-gold used to do it, I think Liberty Reserve does it, basically it lets the vault concentrate on being the vault, the transaction server concentrate on being the transaction server, and the market makers concentrate on getting people into and out of the market.
Established, trusted people in this particular subforum seem the likeliest candidates among the denizens of these forums so I thought I'd enquire here first. Mods, feel free to move the thread to a more on-target locale.
Does this seem like a reasonable idea?
Is it something the "bankers" here might be interested in?