The core devs should be paid if they're doing it full-time and not volunteering. In the beginning, it was not paid. It was just to see if the whole thing would work. Once you start getting paid, then the person paying you can drive the narrative. Which is what we see now. Doesn't matter if the core devs "moved" from The Bitcoin Foundation, now the MIT Lab will have their own agenda. And the beat goes on...
And what's the alternative? If the devs don't get any salary from anyone would that make them independent, or more vulnerable (to bribery etc)?
And please answer me this, it's a genuine question, at what point did you figure you're in the right position to tell devs (or anyone) whether they should/shouldn't work for free?
It amazes me how many members of this forum act like the devs owe them something.
It's like telling the local mechanic at the shop to fix your alternator for free or the local baker to make you a 3 tier wedding cake just because they can. Nevermind the man hours involved, the tools, expenses, and resources to make said development happen.
Shit costs money...