April 26, 2015, 06:18:16 PM |
Hello users!! I'm here to try to sell a license that I won't need more I'm a user here new, from a long time but never had implication on the community due my university jobs and other stuff at RL. Recently lost a familiar and my girlfriend so is not being a good time for me.
I were a gamer, and a community manager from spain (CS 1.6 servers and other stuff) but due recently problems I had to went out from gaming scene and all related stuff.
Product detail:
I've x1 Master Server License from TCadmin 2.0
This license the first time you buy, you've to pay about 200$ the first year. After that, the following years, if you want to keep it only will cost you 40$. You can see it that on TCadmin's website.
This mean that if you buy this product, each year you want to "renew" only will cost you 40$ per year (Not per month or other stuff) The benefit of this license is that could be expensive the first year, 200$ But each next year will cost you only 40$!!!!.
If you sign the montly package (Each year will cost you around 191$) So 2 years, will be 191x2= More expensive than buying directly a Master License
The license can be used on a Linux S.O and you can manage multiple games (CS-CSS-CSGO-CODS-BF's. and multiple more games like minecraft with crafbukkit and other stuff.
What you will be given? 1 x Master Server key License 1 x Original Account used to: Client Area on tcadmin website where you can see your product, renew, contract & more 1 x Original Info from the email used to buy this license -If you wanna, also I can give you all Paypal ID transactions (2 to be exactly) for the first payment and the second as renewal.
All of this are Original and bought Legit by me two years ago (Nothing is stolen, cracked or similar thing)
Price: If you go to the Tcadmin Websites appears. 200$ First year, 40$ each year for renewal.
Since I've spend about 240$ Im trying to looking offers for 190-200$ on BTC. Also Listening offers.
Since I'm new and probably a lot of people won't trust me, I'll try to contact any Official MM from Bitcointalk to support this. Have a good day, cheers