Bitpredict Update Thread

(1/17) > >>

I will post daily developer log of what I done for bitpredict, a bitcoin prediction market site. However, today I am too tired to work after returning home from college. I might or might not got anything done tonight. We'll see.

After realizing how late it is, I updated to rails 3 and restart from scratch the bitpredict project directory. A disappointing start, but the key is progress.

If you can move, you will eventually get to your destination no matter how long it take. So, my goal is to alway be somewhere further along at the end of the day rather than be stuck at the beginning of the day.

I got a bit further along today. Finally got the test server from the rails directory running. My goal is to make much more progress than that tommorow. I also attempted to set up my netbook for development. It was an utter fail.

More progress: figured out how to generate static pages in rails.

Yesterday, I didn't do anything. This is bad.

Today, I only modified the home template. I think I'll do something with a bit more substance tomorrow. Perhaps, a generic registration system will be in order.


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