guys... find an asian girl who actually makes more money then you... pretty simple really. Mine makes double what I do. Go figure right? And she wants sex daily.. and we both want more kids. She has two, I have one. (we are both divorced).
Essentially find a girl that fits what you actually want and vice versa. Personality means EVERYTHING.
But yes... if you don't already know asian girls think very differently then white girls. Especially the ones fresh off the boat. So find an american asian girl who came here young or born here if you do not want culture shock that is very hard to understand early on.
Here in my country it's quite hard (if not impossible) to find a divorced asian :p
I'd be quite happy if i could find one that loved sex with me (without her husband finding, lol!)
Many asian guys are very dismayed when they get married in the USA.. to find out they cannot abuse their wife like back home. The girls just get a divorce. Pretty common here now days.
The old school ones just arrange daily life with their husband. Different rooms, hide money, dont talk, dont cooperate, husband gives the wife their check, and essentially a marriage without love. Kids just get used to it. Pretty sad. Husband just does as he wants and goes off dancing with the girls and drinks with buddies.
And lets not even mention when you marry an asian girl you very often marry her whole family and the village back home.. and perhaps throw in a temple in the village too that needs help. lol
Watch out for filipino girls!! They expect to wear the pants in the house. A very maternalistic household will arise. Women are in charge of the house and basically see all men as idiots who will blow all the money. You have been warned. (There are always exceptions...)
Vietnamese girls think about money! Control the money. Sneaky sometimes which they consider clever and smart.
Cambodian girls can be the same but I personally think they are more kind and sweet.
Just rambling. Your experiences can differ depending on if off the boat or born in your native country or came here wicked young.
Thanks everyone for the pics! about the only thread I check regularly here now. lol
In our country, we only have chinese.
I have a pair of them as neighbors... they are o cute...!