Someone asked about mining with the card. When it is in the second 16x slot windows and RBE identify it. GPUz identifies it incorrectly, but it will not mine and I cannot install drivers on it.
I asked you to try mining with it (in a PCI-E
x1) because I have a similar situation.
The card is a 5870 and has a fine crack at the same distance from the PCI connectors as yours but more in the middle.
The crack disrupts some of the circuits and a couple of components are simply missing (they fell off).
Used alone the card is dead as a brick, but when placed in the PCI-E
x1 slot using an extender, cgminer is able to see it and mine with it along with the other cards.
It runs at a slower speed (422Mh/s instead of 431Mh/s like the others) but this could be because of the PCI-E x1 slot.
If placed in a normal PCI x16 slot the card is again dead.Cannot say if in Windows you can do this, I am running BAMT.
GPU 0: 66.5C 4013RPM | 431.1/430.2Mh/s | A:237 R:0 HW:0 U: 5.97/m I: 8
GPU 1: 66.5C 3578RPM | 432.7/429.2Mh/s | A:245 R:0 HW:0 U: 6.17/m I: 8
GPU 2: 66.5C 3716RPM | 422.5/422.8Mh/s | A:201 R:0 HW:0 U: 5.06/m I: 8 GPU 3: 66.5C 3145RPM | 430.1/429.7Mh/s | A:238 R:0 HW:0 U: 5.99/m I: 8
GPU 4: 66.5C 4008RPM | 370.7/372.3Mh/s | A:203 R:0 HW:0 U: 5.11/m I: 9
GPU 5: 64.5C 0% | 370.5/371.8Mh/s | A:192 R:0 HW:0 U: 4.84/m I: 9