July 04, 2015, 03:39:00 PM |
En plus face au ticket resto le bitcoin ne peut-etre falsifié, alors que les tickets resto ca doit pas etre compliqué
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
July 06, 2015, 11:44:21 AM |
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
July 06, 2015, 11:03:31 PM |
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
July 07, 2015, 09:50:24 PM |
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
July 08, 2015, 07:46:31 PM |
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
Meuh6879 (OP)
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1012
July 08, 2015, 09:34:45 PM |
Il a besoin d'un traducteur, le représentant grecque pour comprendre l'anglais ? Le Guy Verhofstadt, il fait le spectacle ... pour le peuple européen parce que, derrière le rideau ... ça n'est pas du tout la Grèce qui a un problème de fond pour répondre aux demandes de l'Europe. Après ... quand on voit que la Grèce ne va plus payer quand les fonds Européens devront être appelés ... ça doit bien amuser l'IMF.
Meuh6879 (OP)
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1012
July 09, 2015, 08:51:22 PM |
July 10, 2015, 01:05:14 PM |
Nigel Farage : "M. Tsipras, "C'est le moment de sortir de la zone euro la tête haute."
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
July 10, 2015, 03:56:45 PM |
July 10, 2015, 05:34:15 PM |
Ça me rappel un référendum de 2005 tout ça lol...
July 10, 2015, 11:39:28 PM |
Attendons de voir, Tsipras sait peut-tre très bien, que l'Eurogroupe dira non, parce qu'il veut un effacement d'une partie de sa dette.
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
July 14, 2015, 10:32:52 AM |
La Grèce fait de nouveau défaut sur sa dette vis-à-vis du FMILa Grèce a de nouveau fait défaut sur sa dette vis-à-vis du Fonds monétaire international en n'honorant pas un remboursement de 456 millions d'euros qui était dû lundi, a annoncé l'institution de Washington.
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
Meuh6879 (OP)
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1012
July 14, 2015, 11:02:48 AM |
July 14, 2015, 11:23:01 AM |
Par où commencer… après les trompettes de lundi, la situation de la Grèce est plus que jamais compromise. Syriza sur le point d’imploser, le peuple grec furieux contre son gouvernement, des politiciens européens qui affirment qu’aucun nouveau prêt à la Grèce est possible et le spectre de la faillite qui plane sur de nombreuses banques grecques sont quelques-uns des éléments illustrant à merveille que la résolution du cas grec n’est nulle part.
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
July 15, 2015, 09:33:50 AM |
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD
Meuh6879 (OP)
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1012
July 16, 2015, 10:50:39 AM |
Accès interdit aux coffres bancaires (or, argent, diamant, bijoux, certificats, bons du trésor américain ou suisse ...) ceux qui se posent la question : Oui, la banque a la possibilité d'ouvrir vos coffres ... sans que vous soyez là. La seule raison qui explique pourquoi l’argent liquide des coffres est également soumis au contrôle des capitaux, des mesures prises en concertation entre le gouvernement et les banques, s’explique par le fait que ces entités se réservent le droit de confisquer le contenu de ces coffres en cas d’aggravation de la crise. C'est surement la raison donnée pour ne pas encore reconduire l'ELA (fourniture de cash aux banques).
July 16, 2015, 01:27:01 PM |
| moitié partira directement pour le BCE. Le serpent se mord la queue. Je te donne de l'argent pour que tu me rembourses....
DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain, making them private from the wallet. You can send Dash to family or friends, or pay for goods or services, anywhere in the world. DΛSH Anonymous and Untraceable. The Perfect Digital Cash And The Best Way To Protect Your Privacy DΛSH is 59.5 times faster with syncing and updating than Monero.My DΛSH Address: XgF6sNzGHU58dn36WsC16no9FHct6nPeZD