Hmm, I'm not sure what spec of Avalon you have.
I do recall having a 2 module 220GH/s Avalon that was 55nm and it was set to 16 miners and frequency of (I think) either 1300 or 1450.
I also had a lot of hassle setting it up. so much so that I ended up running it using a Raspberry pi loaded with Minera and compiling cgminer using --enable-Avalon.
This worked a treat until the power supply went pop.
Then I just ran 1 module on a smaller psu and set the miner count to 8 and the frequency to 1200 which gave me about 95G.
Did you commect the Raspbery to the miner USB? do you think it will work with Minepeon, I have one running on Raspbery Pi+
I will also try later with 55nm 16 / 1300
Yes, plugged RPI into USB. There is a jumper just behind the usb socket that you can remove to stop it supplying power through the usb.
I did try Minepeon but could not get it to work properly with cgminer. I used Minera in the end and compiled cgminer with the --enable-Avalon and replaced the original cgminer. I passed manual options to start cgminer in Minera using --avalon-options 115200:8:10:D:1200:55 --avalon-cutoff 70 --avalon-temp 60. (running just one module)
If you like I can give you the commands to use to compile and setup cgminer. You can pm me if you wish.
You could even connect a pc/laptop with cgminer and test it that way. I had a spare PI so used that.
Try testing one module and work from there.
Hope some of this helps.