Hello all, selling some units, PM me if you are interested.
- Pictures of the units can be found in their respective setup threads from my signature.
- Will ship globally, with shipping charged additionally at cost.
- Base prices are inclusive of 20% VAT for UK and EU customers.
- Customers outside of the EU (or EU VAT registered businesses) will not be charged VAT and so may take 20% off the base price.
- All units are used unless otherwise stated. Warranties are to be provided by the manufacturer if still valid.
- Payment by BTC equivalent at Bitstamp rates
- Escrow with any of the major guys is fine, you'll set it up and pay any applicable fees
- Will lock the thread, PM me if interested.
Rockminer New R-Box - ~100GH
No controller, no PSU. Note that the name of the product is "new", the product itself is not new.
Base Price:
$50 $40
Antminer U3 - ~55GH
No controller, no PSU.
Base Price:
$40 $35
HashCoins Ares - ~250MH (scrypt)
Including internal controller, excluding PSUs.
Base Price: $1400 $975Antminer S4+ - ~2570GH
Including internal controller and PSU.
Base Price: $975Antminer S5 - ~1150GH
Including internal controller, no PSU.
Base Price: $350ASICMiner Tube - ~830GH
Inc controller, no PSU, no controller PSU. Fan failed so will need a replacement.
Base Price: $265 $200 $180 (+$35 for 2x Corsair SP120s).Half a SpondooliesTech SP35 - 2.7TH
Including internal controller, including 2x PSUs. One hashing board is disabled due to errors, if you can get any of the chips working on that board then consider it a bonus. Remember this also includes nearly $500 of PSUs that can be resold once mining has ended.
Base Price: $1000Antminer S4 - 2.0TH
Including internal controller, including PSU. One fan failed and was replaced with a Corsair SP120.
Base Price: $750 $700Technobit 2HEX4M - ~800GH
No controller, no PSU.
Base Price: $2502x Avalon3 - ~290GH x2
Inc controller (when purchased in pair), no PSU.
Base Price: $140 for the pairBlackarrow X1 - ~100GH
Including internal controller, inc PSU.
Base Price: $60Bitmain Antminer C1 - 750GH
Including internal controller, no PSU, including cooling kit, including spare pump, including coolant (UK only) but only just enough left. One hashing board can be considered dead and there is a small leak somewhere inside the case. This C1 will require some love.
Base Price: $225 $200 $185