No. Got confused for a second.. I only used what i made from the faucets. I didn't have any other money, in bitcoins..
I see.
Yes, but the title says "
[Story] How faucets got me a PS4" so he wrote this "
Nothing is a lie. The "only" was a mistake because it wasn't only with just faucets. I gabled the money.." so that means he got PS4 for money from
faucets and money from
gabling.. that's how I got it
I don't think I get what you tried to say. lol
What I understand is he
gabled his faucets money and he got his first PS4.
No, when i said that the "only" was a lie, i ment i didn't make $300 with faucets. I made $7 from faucets, and then i used gabling sites to make the other..
What is there not to understand? :#
Yeah, you made $7 from faucets and then you
gable it.