Not practical. Why not as a collector go with physical bitcoin? You know, the shiny ones.
The shiny physical ones that can be destroyed in a fire? Stolen by a burglar? Lost while moving? Forged or faked?
The whole point of cryptocurrencies was to address and minimize those issues. Physical collectibles are not practical. Ask anyone with a house full of Beanie Babies. Ask anyone storing piles of gold or warehousing art work. A cryptocurrency would EXACTLY be the practical solution.
Didn't you realise that all problems which exist for FIAT money there is a digital twin of that problem?
Destroyed by fire -> harddisk crash/failure or real fire
Stolen by a burglar -> Hackers, Phishers, Trojans and so on.
Lost while moving -> overwritten wallet , filesystem cooruption , lost medium (external hardisk, chipdrive,DVD-Roms, and similar stuff)