Haven't heard from Andy but the charts are back in business
Here is an idea for you Sunny, why not integrate a small chart application to to PPC client.
Adding a JSON feed parser and dragging around data files is not a limiting factor - look at the BTC dat files
There is a good protocol for chart data file distribution and keeping it up to date - bittorrent for static files and something like rsync for stuff that get updated constantly (every 15 min?).
Split the price data to separate files.
Something like this:
* first file(s) downloaded are the ones with 7 day data
* second file downloaded is daily closing (UTC 00:00) history from the earliest date up to previous month closing. Current month can be combined from 7 day data files.
So we probably end up with 5+1 files.
Now, the interesting part:
I am sure that exchanges to not want to be hammered by thousands
of PPC clients data request. This has to be resolved and some type of central rsync "server(s)" can take care of this.
- trade data collector - clients
/ \
exchange - - trade data collector clients
- trade data collector
There is probably no need to invent a wheel. We can probably use something like
http://incubator.apache.org/kafka/ to distribute the data to the clients.
PPC clients
exchange(s) - kafka - PPC clients
PPC clients