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Author Topic: Is the world economy dependent on the American economy?  (Read 7911 times)
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December 24, 2015, 08:38:01 AM

I would say all the countries in earth are interlinked in one way or another to each other all of them depend on each other in some proportion. The reason why any small happening in united States or Europe effect global market because these two economies are heavily connected working on a lot of leverage with many many different countries through which causes the dependence on global  markets. It is not about the united States of America or the Europe being saturated deveped economies it is just that these economies work with other small economies on a lot of leverage which brings a lot of volatity in the market place due to high leverage and high risk.
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December 24, 2015, 09:03:00 AM

I was interested in this topic and after some reading I find some interesting facts:

"About 40% of the product of Third World nations is exported to First  World countries. One might be tempted to say that this means that 40% of  the labor of Third World workers is value added to imperialist  economies."

"The Japanese save a lot. They do not spend much. Also Japan exports far more than it imports. Has an annual trade surplus of over $100 billion, yet
Japanese economy is considered weak, even collapsing. Americans spend, save little. Also US import more than it exports. Has an annual trade
deficit of over $400 billion. Yet, the American economy is considered strong and trusted to get stronger. But where from do Americans get money
to spend?  They borrow from Japan , China , and even India . Virtually thers save for the US to spend. Global savings are mostly invested in US,
in dollars."

"India itself keeps its foreign currency assets of over $50 billions in  US securities. China has sunk over $160 billion in US securities. Japan 's stakes in US securities is in trillions."

"The US has taken over $5 trillion from the world. So, as the world saves for the US , Americans spend freely. Today, to keep the US consumption
going, that is for the US economy to  work, the countries have to remit $180 billion every quarter that is  $2 billion a day to the US ! Otherwise the US economy would go for a sick.  So will the global economy."

"The United States is still the largest global economy, with a GDP that is nearly $9 trillion higher than the next largest (China)"

US economy has a major impact on world economy for sure, who depends more in this circle is hard to tell (if Americans dont buy some countries cant sell, and oposite). But for sure if American economy collapse that will pull down others as well.



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December 24, 2015, 12:41:42 PM

The US economy is the largest in the world. And they invest so many of their dollar (they being companies and consumers) it's mandatory for the world growth.
If their currency of economy would diminish another economy will take that role, however the impact on most western countries would be very big. Since china mostly invest in export not in import.

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December 24, 2015, 01:01:32 PM

Yes the world needs America and it's progressive economy.

Way too many countries are dependant on their business.
Poo rcountries but also the rich countries.
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December 24, 2015, 04:06:05 PM

Yes once something starts to happen with the American economy, almost every other market in the world is affected by it. It's like a domino effect really, certain things happen for good but once something bad happens to the American economy, most will follow after.

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December 24, 2015, 10:13:44 PM

The world economy are affected by the US one greatly in the past, but not any more. The Chinese economy is more important now.
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December 24, 2015, 10:29:29 PM

Is it vital for the world, no.
Will the world be in a little crisis if it falls.. it sure will.

They got a lot of juice.
The Sceptical Chymist
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December 24, 2015, 10:55:45 PM

Great, another spam-bait topic with no other contribution from the OP than the question itself.

Is the world dependent on the US economy?  No, but the US economy definitely influences the world economy to a great extent.  How's that for an answer? 

Where do you people come from???



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December 25, 2015, 02:26:26 AM

very much so, but not just US, if China fail, we would also fail.

Yes. The influence from China is getting bigger day after day. It is the largest users of commodities. The price of commodities dropped a lot due to slowdown in China.

Blow up in China going to cause bond price around the world to implode (hence high yield).
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December 25, 2015, 07:08:02 AM

Not only american economy but the chinese economy.
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December 25, 2015, 10:22:37 AM

To answer this question we should look at the trade data. The US imports a lot from China.  Here is an image of the top 15 trade partners of the US.   Large exports mostly to Canada and Mexico



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December 25, 2015, 10:27:35 AM

Yes it is true that world economy is dependent on the American economy and will be as long as fiat money especially dollar is international currency.Bitcoin and digital currencies will change this concept and will create new financial system which will be more independent that existent.
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December 25, 2015, 10:37:34 AM

No,but American economy has big influence on the world's economy but China is changing this trend and their are coming into existence new economic blocks which will make it decentralized in my opinion.
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December 25, 2015, 10:45:12 AM

American economy controls the world economy which can be proved by recent economic crisis which started from America and destroyed world economy.American economy works like engine for world economy.

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December 25, 2015, 12:50:35 PM

American economy controls the world economy which can be proved by recent economic crisis which started from America and destroyed world economy.American economy works like engine for world economy.
No it is not like that. I think global markets are connected and if Asia stock market crashed at that time instead of US we will have crisis in the West which started in the East.
It is rather than dollar is still number 1 currency in the world when comes to international trading exchanges.
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December 25, 2015, 03:05:56 PM

American economy controls the world economy which can be proved by recent economic crisis which started from America and destroyed world economy.American economy works like engine for world economy.

no i don't think so, for example the crisis seems tronger in europe, than in america, in fact taxes are on an average of 50% in some country of euro which is crazy

i think has to do with the liquidity of each country and how well each one of those country can sustain the crisis...
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December 25, 2015, 03:40:43 PM

I think BRICS could emerge without USA, but we'll see, USA is just too powerful, it may start a black hole of destruction in the financial world. Luckily tho, we as Bitcoin holders would benefit from all the chaos, so will Gold users.
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December 25, 2015, 04:18:22 PM

In modern world all economys are  conected.USA is specific becouse  USA doollar is reserve currency of the world.But now if you look any news you will see that most important is China

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December 27, 2015, 02:57:44 AM

It is dependant when it's own economic background is within crisis.
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December 27, 2015, 10:24:40 PM

Indeed all other economies depend on just enough to see for example the Greek crisis, A large economy like the one you mention have a broad impact in other countries, So that all economies are dependent on others without mentioning names .
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