Mike Tyson bitcoin ATM on twitter

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What?? Is he saying he's going to launch his own brand of Bitcoin ATMs? Maybe they'll come with Mike Tyson's Punchout and if you can beat Tyson you'll get some free bits, like a faucet ;)

Ha, what the hell is this crazy shit? Just checked his twitter & that tweet actually is on there. Strange, I wouldn't have seen him as a bitcoiner. He's probably getting financial advise from somebody. Still good though, he's got 4.9 million followers, exposure & publicity is key people. Lets hope he can get more people investing in bitcoin ;)

Despite his sketchy past and thugish image, Tyson is widely reputed to be a very smart guy.  It would not surprise me if he was hodling some bitcoins, and it would not surprise me if he opened his atm. 

Of course it could also be him promoting something for investors, like George Foreman did.

Incoming trainwreck...


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