I remember having an argument discussion with a good friend 6 or so months ago about the buying and selling of accounts on here. He seeing no issues with it, and me dead against it. He is a succussful businessman and likened it to goodwill of a business when that business is sold. Although that goodwill was built by the previous owner it still survives in the business under the new owner and is valued with a considerable premium and so on... I likened it to a personal credit rating - it is a rating for that person alone, it cannot be traded and should not be traded and so on.
Anyways, this topic is about whether leaving neg trust to a bought account is trust abuse etc. As no one should dictate to anyone else what or who they should find trustwothy or otherwise, leaving neg trust in such a situation is imo definitely not trust abuse. Members of this forum should freely leave feedback they see fit. Other members can deal with it by adjusting their trust lists accordingly. That's how it is meant to work.
And you can actually (normally) find the real person (ID) behind the ownership. Any bad dealings can be arbitrated any number of ways, not so much with internet anonymity.
Your analogy is much closer to reality.
You cannot always arbitrate bad dealings when a purely internet company is sold privately (or when a domain is sold). For example, it has been reported that satoshi-dice has been sold a number of times, and AFAIK the current owner is not publicly known (and likely would be unable to be determined), however many people seem to be trusting them with at least 3,000
BTC of bankroll investments without issue.
Anyways, this topic is about whether leaving neg trust to a bought account is trust abuse etc. As no one should dictate to anyone else what or who they should find trustwothy or otherwise, leaving neg trust in such a situation is imo definitely not trust abuse. Members of this forum should freely leave feedback they see fit. Other members can deal with it by adjusting their trust lists accordingly. That's how it is meant to work.
Well maybe a better question would be, would you remove and/or exclude someone who made a habit of giving negative trust to someone whose account was purchased?
Although it may not be "abuse", if you were to ignore the ratings of someone who leaves negative trust to someone who leaves negative trust for someone whose account was purchased, then someone who wishes to have his trust ratings be taken seriously and wishes to be reputable regarding his trust ratings should not leave such negative trust.