When we first launched BTCPOOL.Exchange it came to our attention that there were bugs within the system , so instead of continuing fixing these problems while the site was live , a decision was made to tell everyone to remove all there balances and shut it down .. We did this and have spent months fixing the entire site , basically striped to to bare bones and re-built it from the ground up !!
Version 1.0 of BTC Pool had approx. 50,000 lines of code, Version 2.0 addresses over 200 bug fixes, and changes, over 60 security updates and has 4 times as many lines of code.
Fully Encrypted Database Backend, secure offline wallets, websocket revision 2, rate limited operations, global live site, updates in within 100ms of trades, full SSL, SSO Service.
There is password, pin number and 2fa security on all individual accounts .
All trading Fee's on the Exchange are set to 0.2% buy/sell ..
We have added many features and redesigned the site to be user friendly and pleasing to the eye..
There is now a intergrated mining pools , that can be mined as stand along coins or part of the profit switching pool and can be mined into your exchange wallet or into your private wallets !!
With the re-launch of the exchange and pools there will be 1% Bonus paid on the following mining pools
Litecoin which will be 0.5 ltc for the next 20 Blocks found in the pool
Dashcoin which will be 0.25 Dash for the next 40 blocks found in the pool
Peercoin which will be 0.75 ppc for the next 53 blocks found on the pool
Mazacoin which will be 10 maza for the next 10000 blocks found on the pool
Feathercoin which will be 0.8 ftc for the next 2500 blocks found on the pool
anoncoin which will be 0.025 anon for the next 1000 blocks found on the pool
Goldcoin which will be 0.45 gld for the next 2200 blocks found on the pool
All Bonuses are pool Bonuses
All withdrawals are Automatic to the selected wallet address you have submitted
All mining pool's mining fee's are set to 0.8%
For Coins to be added to Exchange please send a email to
admin@btcpool.exchange with all relevant info , we will look at it and then it will be place on the voting page for the community to decide.
Coins to be added to the Mining Pools can be submitted , to
admin@btcpool.exchange , but these will only be added at the sites discretion as we are are also running a profit switching multipool combined in it and want to make sure it is always able to give maximum profit to our miners..
We are always striving to improve and create new user friendly feature's , so keep an eye here, on facebook or twitter for latest updates!!
Also like our Facebook Page here
https://www.facebook.com/btcpool.exchangeAnd also watch our Twiiter feed for updates
https://twitter.com/btcpoolexchangeSo come sign up at