Feel the Bern
he has the best campaign ever.
I would disagree completely. During the D-Debate, Bernie handed Hillary
The Crown to the Nomination! By bleating about how no one wants to hear about her "damn emails", he lost ALL CREDIBILITY! He should have attacked...
Bernie contends that he is against "the billionaires". Maybe, maybe not. But, he just ensured that Hillary would win the nomination. And Hillary gets TONS of money from Wall Street and the biggest banks (
Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs) and Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan Chase) are both Democrats).
And she will, barring the unlikely event of a felony indictment via the FBI investigation...
bryant.coleman is right. She will win unless she is touched by the "
Just-us Department".
He didn't attack because he wants to focus on what's important, the real issues that people care about. Do you really give a shit about emails, and if you do is it because you legitimately care, or is it because she's a dem and it makes her look bad so that's sweet. That's part of the republicans problem, they want to focus on attacking things, people, cultures, minorities, etc.
Besides, when the inevitable attacks from Hillary and her superpacs come, it makes her look bad since Bernie didn't attack her.
I got mad respect for Bernie. I don't agree with everything he says, but he is a man of principle at least. Hillary just follows the polls, she was against gay marriage until the very last second, then she was all for it. I might vote for him, too early to say.
This election is fairly important in that the next president will be in office while 3 SCOTUS jusitces are 80+, a 4th is 78, and some have health issues. Of the three that are 80+, one is liberal, one is conservativbe, and one is a swing vote. The current split is more or less 4 liberal, 4 conservative, 1 swing. Most divisive decisions end up being 5-4. So whether the next president is dem or republican will have significant impact on SCOTUS and the decisions it makes.
I'm pretty certain Bernie will win, he has way more support than Obama did at the same point in his campaign, and he appeals to the same voters.