I mean is a rotator like in faucet rotator no need to go back in the website to click another faucet..
I think you don't know the difference between rotator script and PTC/gpt scripts.
If you are really interested in having a rotator script then you can find anywhere and can few simple pre-built scripts for free. If need with better features then you have to purchase and if you want that built in your own way then you have to hire someone
But this is not the correct place buddy to talk about
I know ptc and gpt site but i was just asking if theres a script like a rotator script. Just like a traffic exchange.. I f you are member in trafficmonsoon theres a exchange traffic that has frame with next button in the top left of the screen.. If you didnt know what im talking about just join in trafic monsoon to know what i mean...
This traffic exchange rotators ( like the Traffic Monsoon one) are generally used to advertise more than website easily, it's not like the faucets rotators where you can easily going to the next faucet without leaving the page..the traffic exchange rotator don't allow you usually to choose to website needed to browse and you have to refresh the page to visit another site
Yes in Faucet rotatators links are surfed in a line one after another which is set by admin
But that doesn't happens with trafficmonsoon, they shows you randomly