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Author Topic: UltraPlay eSports Confirmed LIVE Odds; Available @  (Read 46562 times)
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
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Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

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August 29, 2016, 06:37:52 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


SSL Ro4   01.09 10:00   Galaxy.Solar vs Afreeca.Patience
GSL Ro4   02.09 10:30   ByuN vs Galaxy.Dear
JoinDota   29.08 13:00   WarriorsGaming vs TheMongolz
World Cup   29.08 15:00   Denmark vs Lithuania
Prodota Cup   29.08 15:00   Flipsid3 vs Prodota Gaming
WCA Quali   29.08 16:00   Epsilon vs Pride
GOCL   29.08 17:00   Spirit vs Epiphany Bolt
EPICENTER Q   29.08 17:00   Astralis vs Team123
ESL   29.08 18:00   PENTA vs
WCA Quali   29.08 19:00   Gambit vs Escape
ESL   29.08 19:10 vs PENTA
GOCL   29.08 20:00   Preparation vs Pride
EPICENTER Q   29.08 20:00   Heroic vs GODSENT
ESL   29.08 20:20   Flipsid3 vs G2
IWCQ   29.08 21:15   Lyon Gaming vs Albus NoX Luna
ESL   29.08 21:30   G2 vs Flipsid3
IWCQ   29.08 22:15   Dark Passage vs Saigon Jokers
IWCQ   29.08 23:15   Chiefs vs Rampage
ESL   30.08 01:00   Cloud9 vs Renegades
ESL   30.08 01:00   NRG vs eUnited
ESL   30.08 02:00   Cloud9 vs Renegades
ESL   30.08 02:00   
ESL   30.08 03:00   CLG vs Winterfox
ESL   30.08 03:00   NRG vs eUnited
ESL   30.08 04:00   CLG vs Winterfox
ESL   30.08 04:00   SK vs Liquid
GSL Ro4   31.08 10:30   JinAir.Sos vs SKT.MyuNgSiK

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

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August 30, 2016, 06:57:07 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


SSL Ro4   01.09 10:00   Galaxy.Solar vs Afreeca.Patience
GSL Ro4   02.09 10:30   ByuN vs Galaxy.Dear
Prodota Cup   30.08 09:00   Execration vs WarriorsGaming
ESL   30.08 10:00   Parallax vs Skyfire
Super League   30.08 11:00   First Family vs White Water
Power League   30.08 11:00   LuxuryWatch RED vs Lunatic Hai
Power League   30.08 11:00   Mighty vs Pandamonium
ESL   30.08 11:00   Parallax vs Skyfire
ESL   30.08 12:00   onestop vs AVANT GARDE
ESL   30.08 13:00   onestop vs AVANT GARDE
WCA Quali   30.08 16:00   Escape vs Kaipi
WCA Quali   30.08 16:00   Gambit vs Epsilon
GG Masters   30.08 17:00   PENTA vs ENCE
WCA Quali   30.08 19:00   Escape vs Pride
xfunction   30.08 19:00   AGG vs DenDD
WCA Quali   30.08 19:57   Spirit vs Space Soldiers
ESL   31.08 01:00   Selfless vs CLG
ESL   31.08 01:00   Cloud9 vs eUnited
ESL   31.08 02:00   Selfless vs CLG
ESL   31.08 02:00   Cloud9 vs eUnited
ESL   31.08 03:00   SK vs NRG
ESL   31.08 03:00   
ESL   31.08 04:00   SK vs NRG
ESL   31.08 04:00   Immortals vs Renegades
GSL Ro4   31.08 10:30   JinAir.Sos vs SKT.MyuNgSiK

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

View Profile WWW
August 31, 2016, 06:45:59 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


ESL   01.09 01:00   SK vs Renegades
ESL   01.09 02:00   SK vs Renegades
ESL   01.09 03:00   NRG vs Winterfox
ESL   01.09 04:00   NRG vs Winterfox
SSL Ro4   01.09 10:00   Galaxy.Solar vs Afreeca.Patience
GSL Ro4   02.09 10:30   ByuN vs Galaxy.Dear
Pioneer Cup   31.08 08:00   NGA Club vs Yi Cheng
Pioneer Cup   31.08 09:00   Team YL vs Wukong Gaming
ESL   31.08 10:00   Athletico vs Chiefs
GSL Ro4   31.08 10:30   JinAir.Sos vs SKT.MyuNgSiK
Power League   31.08 11:00   LuxuryWatch RED vs Lunatic Hai
ESL   31.08 11:00   Athletico vs Chiefs
ESL   31.08 12:00   Immunity vs Legacy
ESL   31.08 13:00   Immunity vs Legacy
WCA   31.08 16:00   Vega Squadron vs Escape
GG Masters   31.08 17:00   MK vs AGG
xfunction   31.08 19:00   Spirit vs Millenium
EPICENTER Q   31.08 20:00   Space Soldiers vs Wizards
Hitbox   31.08 20:00   ALTERNATE aTTaX vs AGG

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

View Profile WWW
September 01, 2016, 07:02:06 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


LCK   01.09 09:00   Samsung Galaxy vs Afreeca Freecs
SSL Ro4   01.09 10:00   Galaxy.Solar vs Afreeca.Patience
Power League   01.09 11:00   Mighty vs LuxuryWatch RED
MSI   01.09 11:00   Execration vs Signature.TrusT
Pioneer Cup   01.09 12:00   NGA Club vs Wildest Dog
Pioneer Cup   01.09 13:00   NewBee vs Team YL
SGL   01.09 14:00   Invasion.MajOr vs Invasion.Harstem
SGL   01.09 14:00   Ting.Neeb vs PG.TRUE
SGL   01.09 14:00   EnVyUs.Polt vs [M]MarineLorD
SGL   01.09 14:00   ByuN vs nV.Violet
JoinDota   01.09 15:00   Yellow Submarine vs NL5
WCA   01.09 16:00   Kaipi vs Vega Squadron
WCA Quali   01.09 16:00   LGR vs ENCE
Hitbox   01.09 16:30   MK vs Spirit
EPICENTER Q   01.09 17:00   FaZe vs Wizards
WellPlay   01.09 17:00   Power Rangers vs Flipsid3
NA 2016   01.09 17:00   Immortals vs Synthetik
NA 2016   01.09 17:00   TSM vs Luminosity
ESL   01.09 18:00   Flipsid3 vs Natus Vincere
SPL NA   01.09 18:00   Denial eSports vs The Randozos
WGL EU   01.09 18:00   Rusty Roster vs Rage.Quit
WGL RU   01.09 18:00   
NA 2016   01.09 18:30   NRG vs CLG
NA 2016   01.09 18:30   Brain Storm vs NextPlease
WCA Quali   01.09 19:00   PENTA vs Preparation
ESL   01.09 19:15   Natus Vincere vs Flipsid3
WGL EU   01.09 19:30   DING vs The Wild Bunch
WGL RU   01.09 19:30   Natus Vincere vs Tornado Rox
SPL NA   01.09 19:45   Luminosity vs Team EnVyUs
ESL   01.09 20:30   mousesports vs NiP
SPL NA   01.09 21:30   Enemy eSports vs Team Allegiance
ESL   01.09 21:45   NiP vs mousesports
SPL NA   01.09 23:15   SoaR Gaming vs Team Eager
ESL   02.09 01:00   Liquid vs Renegades
ESL   02.09 02:00   Liquid vs Renegades
ESL   02.09 03:00   SK vs Winterfox
Alienware   02.09 04:00   Cloud9 vs FaZe
ESL   02.09 04:00   SK vs Winterfox
GSL Ro4   02.09 10:30   ByuN vs Galaxy.Dear

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
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Activity: 2772
Merit: 3284

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September 01, 2016, 01:32:17 PM

Hey UltraPlay, I noticed you didn't mention BetBaller in your links at where you can bet. BetBaller is basically a copy of VitalBet, but I always assumed that they used the "official" UltraPlay provider. Is this true, and that they didn't want to be mentioned or something, or is it false, and they aren't running the real UltraPlay? Here is the link:

taking a break - expect delayed responses
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

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September 02, 2016, 07:15:09 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


LMS   02.09 08:30   ahq vs Hong Kong Esports
GSL Ro4   02.09 10:30   ByuN vs Galaxy.Dear
JoinDota   02.09 12:00   WarriorsGaming vs Execration
World Cup   02.09 12:00   France vs Denmark
Nexus Cup   02.09 12:30   Mighty vs eStar Gaming Team 3
Nexus Cup   02.09 13:30   Mighty vs 1246
ECL 2016   02.09 14:00   eNergy vs xTc
World Cup   02.09 14:00   Sweden vs Germany
World Cup   02.09 15:00   Norway vs Portugal
Prodota Cup   02.09 16:00   Kaipi vs Prodota Gaming
WellPlay   02.09 16:00   Fantastic Five vs Sanguine Sharks
NA 2016   02.09 16:00   TSM vs Echo Fox
NA 2016   02.09 16:00   Cloud9 vs ACE
NA 2016   02.09 16:00   Heroic vs Winterfox
GG Masters   02.09 17:00   PENTA vs Spirit
EPG   02.09 17:00   Power Rangers vs Alternate
ECL 2016   02.09 17:00   Aperture vs Damage Control
NA 2016   02.09 17:30   Rogue vs compLexity
NA 2016   02.09 17:30   Selfless vs Splyce
SPL EU   02.09 18:00   Team Dignitas vs Cyclone
ESL NA   02.09 18:00   Murloc Geniuses vs TNC
WGL EU   02.09 18:00   
WGL RU   02.09 18:00   HellRaisers vs Arcade
WellPlay   02.09 19:00   Swift vs Out of Range
ESL NA   02.09 19:30   Denial vs DTRejects
WGL EU   02.09 19:30   GoHard vs Oops
WGL RU   02.09 19:30   Carpe Diem vs NS-NS
SPL EU   02.09 19:45   Cringe Crew vs Fantastique
SPL EU   02.09 21:30   NRG vs Sanguine Esports
NA 2016   02.09 23:00   NRG vs CLG
SPL EU   02.09 23:15   Paradigm vs Hungry For More
Proleague   03.09 10:30   JinAir.Cure vs KT.Trust
Proleague   03.09 10:30   Jin Air Green Wings vs KT Rolster
Proleague   03.09 11:00   JinAir.Maru vs KT.TY
Proleague   03.09 11:30   Jinair.Trap vs KT.Zest
Proleague   03.09 12:00   JinAir.Sos vs KT.jjakji
Proleague   03.09 12:30   JinAir.Creator vs KT.Stats
Proleague   03.09 13:00   Jinair.Rogue vs KT.Leenock
ESL NA   03.09 18:00   Gale Force eSports vs Imported Support
ESL NA   03.09 19:30   Team Naventic vs Astral Authority

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

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September 07, 2016, 06:41:41 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


SL i-L   07.09 09:00   NiP vs HellRaisers
ESL   07.09 10:00   Immunity vs AVANT GARDE
SL i-L   07.09 10:30   GODSENT vs dignitas
Power League   07.09 11:00   Lunatic Hai vs Pandamonium
ESL   07.09 11:00   Immunity vs AVANT GARDE
Pioneer Cup   07.09 12:00   Afreeca Freecs Red vs NGA Club
ESL   07.09 12:00   Chiefs vs Legacy
SL i-L   07.09 12:00   G2 vs MVP project
ESL   07.09 13:00   Chiefs vs Legacy
SL i-L   07.09 13:30   FaZe vs Flipsid3
ELEAGUE Q   07.09 15:00   G2 vs walkover
ELEAGUE Q   07.09 15:00   FaZe vs CHAOS
ELEAGUE Q   07.09 15:00   Dignitas vs Tengri
ELEAGUE Q   07.09 15:00   Kinguin vs Tricked
ELEAGUE Q   07.09 15:00   Gambit vs passions
SL i-L   07.09 15:00   Natus Vincere vs TyLoo
QS Arena   07.09 16:00   Epiphany Bolt vs HEADSHOTBG
EPG   07.09 16:00   Imperial vs Elements PG
SL i-L   07.09 16:00   Astralis vs Heroic
WCA Quali   07.09 17:00   Spirit vs ENCE
ELEAGUE Q   07.09 17:00   Flipsid3 vs ALTERNATE aTTaX
QS Arena   07.09 17:00   
ELEAGUE Q   07.09 17:00   GODSENT vs deadweight
GameShow   07.09 17:00   eSuba vs Refuse
ESL   07.09 18:00   fnatic vs FaZe
ELEAGUE Q   07.09 18:00   HellRaisers vs ENCORE
ESL   07.09 18:30   FaZe vs fnatic
QS Arena   07.09 19:00   Pride vs fm-eSports
Dota2Offence   07.09 19:00   Prodota Gaming vs Elements PG
BlasterX   07.09 19:00   Space Soldiers vs Kinguin
SL i-L   07.09 19:30   Cloud9 vs EnVyUs
ESL   07.09 21:00   PENTA vs mousesports
ESL   07.09 22:30   mousesports vs PENTA
ESL   08.09 01:00   OpTic vs Splyce
ESL   08.09 02:00   OpTic vs Splyce
ESL   08.09 03:00   Echo Fox vs NRG
ESL   08.09 04:00   Echo Fox vs NRG
GSL   10.09 09:00   JinAir.Sos vs ByuN
SSL   11.09 10:00   SKT.Dark vs Galaxy.Solar

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

View Profile WWW
September 08, 2016, 07:03:31 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


SL i-L   08.09 09:15   HellRaisers vs dignitas
SL i-L   08.09 10:45   NiP vs GODSENT
SL i-L   08.09 12:00   Flipsid3 vs MVP project
ELEAGUE Q   08.09 13:00   dignitas vs Gambit
SL i-L   08.09 13:30   G2 vs FaZe
ELEAGUE Q   08.09 15:00   FaZe vs HellRaisers
SL i-L   08.09 15:00   Natus Vincere vs Astralis
JoinDota   08.09 16:00   Yellow Submarine vs BroodMothers
QS Arena   08.09 16:00   Epiphany Bolt vs Refuse
Adrenaline CL   08.09 16:00   NokSuKao vs Kung Fu Masters
SL i-L   08.09 16:30 vs VG.CyberZen
ELEAGUE Q   08.09 17:00   G2 vs Kinguin
SPL NA   08.09 18:00   Team Eager vs Team EnVyUs
WGL EU   08.09 18:00   Kazna Kru vs Rage.Quit
WGL RU   08.09 18:00   Carpe Diem vs Arcade
Lenovo Cup   08.09 18:00   REUNITED vs Tornado Rox
EPG   08.09 19:00   Power Rangers vs Prodota Gaming
QS Arena   08.09 19:00   Pride vs XPC
Adrenaline CL   08.09 19:00   Tengri vs Shadows
WGL EU   08.09 19:30   Knäckebröd vs Rusty Roster
WGL RU   08.09 19:30   
SPL NA   08.09 19:45   Team Allegiance vs The Randozos
BlasterX   08.09 20:00   Nashorn vs NextPlease
Lenovo Cup   08.09 20:00   Misfits vs Team EndPoint
SPL NA   08.09 21:30   Denial eSports vs Luminosity
SPL NA   08.09 23:15   SoaR Gaming vs Enemy eSports
GSL   10.09 09:00   JinAir.Sos vs ByuN
SSL   11.09 10:00   SKT.Dark vs Galaxy.Solar

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

View Profile WWW
September 12, 2016, 07:20:33 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


Leifeng Cup   12.09 12:00   TAiLS vs IG.Jim
Leifeng Cup   12.09 13:00   ByuN vs TAiLS
Leifeng Cup   12.09 14:00   ByuN vs IG.Jim
Leifeng Cup   12.09 15:00   ByuN vs MVP.GuMiho
Leifeng Cup   12.09 16:00   Invasion.GuMiho vs TAiLS
Gauntlet   12.09 16:00   XPC vs INETKOXTV
Adrenaline CL   12.09 16:00   Spirit vs Enso
Leifeng Cup   12.09 17:00   Invasion.GuMiho vs IG.Jim
Lenovo Cup   12.09 18:00   Tornado Rox vs Team EndPoint
Gauntlet   12.09 19:00   eXtatus vs Alpha
Adrenaline CL   12.09 19:00   Gambit vs PuddiPuddi
Hitbox   12.09 19:00   ALTERNATE aTTaX vs Spirit
Lenovo Cup   12.09 20:00   REUNITED vs Misfits

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

View Profile WWW
September 13, 2016, 08:50:39 AM
Last edit: September 14, 2016, 06:52:26 AM by UltraPlay

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


ESL   13.09 10:00   Athletico vs Parallax
Super League   13.09 11:00   MVP Black vs Team L5
ESL   13.09 11:00   Athletico vs Parallax
ESL   13.09 12:00   Immunity vs onestop
ESL   13.09 13:00   Immunity vs onestop
EPICENTER Q   13.09 15:00   Heroic vs Dignitas
Adrenaline CL   13.09 15:00   Gambit vs NokSuKao
Gauntlet   13.09 16:00   eXtatus vs KNR
GameShow   13.09 17:00   LGR vs ANOX
Lenovo Cup   13.09 18:00   Luminosity vs NiP
ESL   13.09 18:00 vs Fnatic
ESL   13.09 18:00   FaZe vs mousesports
EPICENTER Q   13.09 18:00   HellRaisers vs Tengri
ECS Quali   13.09 18:00   Heroic vs Tricked
Gauntlet   13.09 19:00   Refuse vs GODSENT Academy
ESL   13.09 19:10 vs Fnatic
ESL   13.09 19:10   FaZe vs mousesports
Lenovo Cup   13.09 20:00   NiP vs ANOX
Adrenaline CL   13.09 20:00   Spirit vs Tengri
ECS Quali   13.09 20:00   Flipsid3 vs Gambit
ESL   13.09 20:20   Heroic vs PENTA
ESL   13.09 20:20   
ESL   13.09 21:30   G2 vs Dignitas
ESL   13.09 21:30   G2 vs Dignitas
ECS Quali   13.09 23:00   Renegades vs Selfless
ECS Quali   14.09 01:00   ProspectsGG vs SofaKingGood
ESL   14.09 01:00   NRG vs Selfless
ESL   14.09 01:00   Renegades vs Splyce
ESL   14.09 02:00   NRG vs Selfless
ESL   14.09 02:00   Renegades vs Splyce
ESL   14.09 03:00   Echo Fox vs compLexity
ESL   14.09 03:00   Immortals vs OpTic
ESL   14.09 04:00   Echo Fox vs compLexity
ESL   14.09 04:00   Immortals vs OpTic

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

View Profile WWW
September 14, 2016, 06:52:11 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


Prodota   14.09 09:00   Execration vs TheMongolz
ESL   14.09 10:00   Legacy vs Skyfire
ESL   14.09 11:00   Legacy vs Skyfire
Prodota   14.09 11:30   Orange.Taring vs Power Gaming
ESL   14.09 12:00   AVANT GARDE vs Chiefs
ESL   14.09 13:00   AVANT GARDE vs Chiefs
WellPlay   14.09 17:00   Fantastic Five vs Power Rangers
EPICENTER Q   14.09 17:00   Flipsid3 vs NokSuKao
ESL   14.09 18:00   Fnatic vs Dignitas
ESL   14.09 18:00   NiP vs Astralis
ECS Quali   14.09 18:00   Heroic vs Preparation
Prodota Cup   14.09 18:30   F.R.I.E.N.D.S vs NL5
ESL   14.09 19:10   Fnatic vs Dignitas
ESL   14.09 19:10   NiP vs Astralis
ESL   14.09 20:20   EnVyUs vs mousesports
ESL   14.09 20:20   Dignitas vs PENTA
ESL   14.09 21:30   EnVyUs vs mousesports
ESL   14.09 21:30   Dignitas vs PENTA
ECS Quali   14.09 23:00   SK vs RONIN
ECS Quali   15.09 01:00   paiN vs Prospects
ESL   15.09 01:00   Renegades vs compLexity
ESL   15.09 01:00   
ESL   15.09 02:00   Renegades vs compLexity
ESL   15.09 02:00   Immortals vs CLG
ESL   15.09 03:00   Selfless vs Splyce
ESL   15.09 03:00   Renegades vs eUnited
ESL   15.09 04:00   Selfless vs Splyce
ESL   15.09 04:00   Renegades vs eUnited

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

View Profile WWW
September 20, 2016, 07:56:33 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


Prodota   20.09 09:00   RexRegumQeon vs Entity Esports
DPL   20.09 09:15   Team Braveheart vs Avalon
MDL   20.09 09:30   Vici Gaming J vs Invictus Gaming
ESL   20.09 10:00   Immunity vs Parallax
World Cup   20.09 11:00   France vs Turkey
Super League   20.09 11:00   Tempo Storm vs MVP Miracle
Danawa   20.09 11:00   Mighty AOD vs Lunatic Hai
ESL   20.09 11:00   Immunity vs Parallax
DPL   20.09 11:30   NewBee Youth vs WAY
Prodota   20.09 11:30   WarriorsGaming vs TnC
Leifeng Cup   20.09 12:00   X-Team.TIME vs Zenith.Chick
ESL   20.09 12:00   Athletico vs Legacy
Leifeng Cup   20.09 12:45   Galaxy.Reality vs Zenith.Chick
MDL   20.09 13:00   LGD.Forever Young vs Tongfu
ESL   20.09 13:00   Athletico vs Legacy
Leifeng Cup   20.09 13:30   Galaxy.Reality vs X-Team.TIME
DPL   20.09 13:45   Ehome.Keen vs FTD Club A
BTS   20.09 14:00 vs Fantastic Five
Prodota   20.09 14:00   Signature.TrusT vs Arcanys
Leifeng Cup   20.09 14:15   Galaxy.Solar vs Galaxy.Reality
Leifeng Cup   20.09 15:00   Galaxy.Solar vs Zenith.Chick
BTS   20.09 15:00   
Prodota Cup   20.09 15:00   Imperial vs LevelUP
Leifeng Cup   20.09 15:45 vs Fantastic Five
BTS   20.09 16:00   Power Rangers vs Elements PG
BTS   20.09 16:00 vs Prodota Gaming
MDL   20.09 16:00   Ehome vs FTD Club C
BTS   20.09 17:00   Power Rangers vs Elements PG
JoinDota   20.09 17:00   Sanguine Sharks vs NL5
BTS   20.09 17:00 vs Prodota Gaming
WESG 2016   20.09 17:00   .Norway vs Epiphany Bolt
WCA Quali   20.09 17:00   Spirit vs LGR
QS Arena   20.09 17:00   Pride vs INETKOXTV
EPICENTER Q   20.09 17:00   Gambit vs ANOX
ESL   20.09 18:00   Astralis vs PENTA
ESL   20.09 18:00   mousesports vs Natus Vincere
BTS   20.09 18:00   BroodMothers vs Alternate
ECS Quali   20.09 18:00   GODSENT vs Heroic
Prodota Cup   20.09 18:30   Power Rangers vs mYinsanity
Prodota Cup   20.09 18:30   Prodota Gaming vs I.K.E.A.
BTS   20.09 19:00   BroodMothers vs Alternate
Lenovo Cup   20.09 19:00   Misfits vs Luminosity
ESL   20.09 19:15   Natus Vincere vs mousesports
ESL   20.09 19:15   PENTA vs Astralis
EPICENTER Q   20.09 20:00   FaZe vs GODSENT
BTS   20.09 20:00   Flipsid3 vs Yellow Submarine
ECS Quali   20.09 20:00   Heroic vs Gambit
ESL   20.09 20:30   G2 vs NiP
ESL   20.09 20:30   HellRaisers vs dignitas
BTS   20.09 21:00   Flipsid3 vs Yellow Submarine
ESL   20.09 21:55   dignitas vs HellRaisers
ESL   20.09 21:55   NiP vs G2
ECS Quali   20.09 23:00   Immortals vs paiN
Arena   20.09 23:00   Team NP vs Not Today
Arena   20.09 23:15   Do Wop vs Team Fox
ESL   21.09 01:00   Cloud9 vs Splyce
ESL   21.09 01:00   Liquid vs NRG
ESL   21.09 02:00   Cloud9 vs Splyce
ESL   21.09 02:00   Liquid vs NRG
ESL   21.09 03:00   Cloud9 vs Echo Fox
ESL   21.09 03:00   SK vs CLG
ESL   21.09 04:00   Cloud9 vs Echo Fox
ESL   21.09 04:00   SK vs CLG

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
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Activity: 900
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September 21, 2016, 07:06:59 AM
Last edit: September 27, 2016, 06:57:31 AM by UltraPlay

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


SD2O   21.09 09:00   Invictus Gaming vs Ehome.X
Prodota   21.09 09:00   TnC vs Rave
DPL   21.09 09:15   Ehome.L vs Avalon
ESL   21.09 10:00   onestop vs Chiefs
MDL   21.09 10:30   Ehome vs CDEC
SD2O   21.09 11:00   WAY vs Ehome.Keen
ESL   21.09 11:00   onestop vs Chiefs
DPL   21.09 11:30   Vici Gaming J vs NewBee Youth
Prodota   21.09 11:30   RexRegumQeon vs Arcanys
ESL   21.09 12:00   AVANT GARDE vs Skyfire
SD2O   21.09 13:00   Vici Gaming J vs LGD.Forever Young
ESL   21.09 13:00   AVANT GARDE vs Skyfire
DPL   21.09 13:45   Tongfu vs Ehome.Keen
Prodota   21.09 14:00   Rave vs s1 Lykos
BTS   21.09 16:00   F.R.I.E.N.D.S vs Flipsid3
BTS   21.09 16:00   Kaipi vs Power Rangers
ECS Quali   21.09 16:00   GODSENT vs Epsilon
BTS   21.09 17:00   F.R.I.E.N.D.S vs Flipsid3
BTS   21.09 17:00   Kaipi vs Power Rangers
ESL   21.09 18:00   Natus Vincere vs PENTA
ESL   21.09 18:00   EnVyUs vs Flipsid3
BTS   21.09 18:00   
BTS   21.09 18:00   Ad Finem vs Power Rangers
Prodota Cup   21.09 18:00   Escape vs Yellow Submarine
ECS Quali   21.09 18:00   Heroic vs Epsilon
ECS Quali   21.09 18:00   Tricked vs passions
BTS   21.09 19:00   Escape vs Yellow Submarine
BTS   21.09 19:00   Ad Finem vs Power Rangers
ESL   21.09 19:15   EnVyUs vs Flipsid3
ESL   21.09 19:15   Natus Vincere vs PENTA
BTS   21.09 20:00   Prodota Gaming vs LVLUP
BTS   21.09 20:00   Vega Squadron vs BroodMothers
ECS Quali   21.09 20:00   GODSENT vs passions
GameShow   21.09 20:00   MK vs LGR
ESL   21.09 20:10   Astralis vs dignitas
ESL   21.09 20:30   G2 vs Heroic
ESL   21.09 20:30 vs HellRaisers
BTS   21.09 21:00   Prodota Gaming vs LVLUP
BTS   21.09 21:00   Vega Squadron vs BroodMothers
ESL   21.09 21:55 vs HellRaisers
ECS Quali   21.09 23:00   SK vs SofaKingGood
ESL   22.09 01:00   OpTic vs Echo Fox
ESL   22.09 01:00   Liquid vs CLG
ECS Quali   22.09 01:00   Immortals vs SofaKingGood
ESL   22.09 02:00   OpTic vs Echo Fox
ESL   22.09 02:00   Liquid vs CLG
ESL   22.09 03:00   Selfless vs compLexity
ESL   22.09 03:00   SK vs Echo Fox
ESL   22.09 04:00   Selfless vs compLexity
ESL   22.09 04:00   SK vs Echo Fox

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
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Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

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September 26, 2016, 06:49:23 AM
Last edit: September 27, 2016, 06:57:47 AM by UltraPlay

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


SD2O   26.09 08:30   Execration (Map 2) vs Team Braveheart (Map 2)
Prodota   26.09 09:00   Rave vs s1 Lykos
SD2O   26.09 09:00   Vici Gaming J vs Ehome.L
Nanyang   26.09 09:00   LGD vs WFG
Nanyang   26.09 10:00   Tongfu vs WFG
SD2O   26.09 11:00   NewBee Youth vs Team Braveheart
Nanyang   26.09 11:00   Ehome.L vs Ehome.Keen
Nanyang   26.09 12:00   FTD Club A vs Ehome.L
Leifeng Cup   26.09 12:00   IG.XY vs SpaceCraft.Nice
Prodota   26.09 12:30   WarriorsGaming vs TheMongolz
Leifeng Cup   26.09 12:50   SKT.Dark vs IG.XY
BTS   26.09 13:00   Vega Squadron vs Elements PG
SD2O   26.09 13:00   Invictus Gaming vs Tongfu
Nanyang   26.09 13:00   CDEC vs FTD Club C
Leifeng Cup   26.09 13:40   SKT.Dark vs SpaceCraft.Nice
Leifeng Cup   26.09 14:30   SKT.Dark vs Afreeca.Keen
Prodota   26.09 15:00   Signature.TrusT vs RexRegumQeon
OW Open   26.09 15:00   Liquid vs NRG
Prodota Cup   26.09 15:00   BroodMothers vs Valkyrie
Leifeng Cup   26.09 15:20   Afreeca.Keen vs IG.XY
OW Open   26.09 16:00   Cloud9 vs Method
BTS   26.09 16:00   
Leifeng Cup   26.09 16:10   Afreeca.Keen vs SpaceCraft.Nice
WCA Quali   26.09 17:00 vs F.R.I.E.N.D.S
ESL   26.09 18:00   Flipsid3 vs
ESL   26.09 18:00   Natus Vincere vs HellRaisers
ESL   26.09 19:10 vs Flipsid3
ESL   26.09 19:10   HellRaisers vs Natus Vincere
EPICENTER Q   26.09 21:00   Preparation vs NokSuKao
ESL   27.09 01:00   CLG vs compLexity
ESL   27.09 01:00   SK vs eUnited
ESL   27.09 02:00   CLG vs compLexity
ESL   27.09 02:00   SK vs eUnited
ESL   27.09 03:00   OpTic vs Winterfox
ESL   27.09 03:00   Liquid vs compLexity
ESL   27.09 04:00   OpTic vs Winterfox
ESL   27.09 04:00   Liquid vs compLexity

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
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Activity: 900
Merit: 250

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September 27, 2016, 06:57:07 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


Prodota   27.09 09:00   TheMongolz vs Signature.TrusT
SD2O   27.09 09:00   Ehome vs Team Braveheart
KeSPA Cup   27.09 10:00   X-Team.ByuN vs KT.Zest
SD2O   27.09 11:00   CDEC vs Tongfu
SD2O   27.09 11:00   DUOBAO vs Max.X
KeSPA Cup   27.09 11:00   Jinair.Rogue vs Neeb
Mr. Cat   27.09 12:00   TyLoo vs New4
Leifeng Cup   27.09 14:00   IG.iAsonu vs RYE.Jieshi
Leifeng Cup   27.09 14:50   KT.jjakji vs IG.iAsonu
Prodota   27.09 15:00   Power Gaming vs Entity Esports
Leifeng Cup   27.09 15:40   KT.jjakji vs RYE.Jieshi
WCA WCC Q   27.09 16:00   Mighty44 vs Quantum Bellator
Kinguin   27.09 16:00   LDLC vs DarkPassage
Leifeng Cup   27.09 16:30   MVP.GuMiho vs KT.jjakji
WESG 2016   27.09 17:00   K29 vs For Gamers
WESG 2016   27.09 17:00   ENCORE vs LGR
WCA WCC Q   27.09 17:00   Mighty44 vs Shadows
Prodota Cup   27.09 17:00   Imperial vs I.K.E.A.
D2CL   27.09 17:00   Kaipi vs Memasiki
Kinguin   27.09 17:00   Kinguin vs Tricked
Leifeng Cup   27.09 17:20   MVP.GuMiho vs IG.iAsonu
WCA WCC Q   27.09 18:00   
D2CL   27.09 18:00   Elements PG vs LVLUP
Kinguin   27.09 18:00   EYESports vs PuddiPuddi
Leifeng Cup   27.09 18:10   MVP.GuMiho vs RYE.Jieshi
WCA WCC Q   27.09 19:00   Mighty44 vs EYESports
D2CL   27.09 19:00   Alternate vs ZeroOne
Kinguin   27.09 19:00   ArchAngels vs INETKOXTV
WCA WCC Q   27.09 20:00   Shadows vs PuddiPuddi
D2CL   27.09 20:00   Alliance vs F.R.I.E.N.D.S
WCA WCC Q   27.09 21:00   Shadows vs Quantum Bellator
WCA WCC Q   27.09 22:00   EYESports vs Quantum Bellator
ESL NY   27.09 23:00   Cloud9 vs OpTic
WCA WCC Q   27.09 23:00   Quantum Bellator vs PuddiPuddi
WESG 2016   28.09 00:00   Selfless vs Muffin Lightning
ESL   28.09 01:00   CLG vs eUnited
ESL   28.09 01:00   SK vs Selfless
ESL   28.09 02:00   CLG vs eUnited
ESL   28.09 02:00   SK vs Selfless
ESL   28.09 03:00   Winterfox vs compLexity
ESL   28.09 03:00   Cloud9 vs Selfless
MDL   28.09 03:00   MVP Phoenix vs LGD.Forever Young
MDL   28.09 03:00   Evil Geniuses vs Vici Gaming
MDL   28.09 03:00   Team Secret vs NewBee
ESL   28.09 04:00   Winterfox vs compLexity
ESL   28.09 04:00   Cloud9 vs Selfless
MDL   28.09 06:30   OG vs iG Vitality

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

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October 03, 2016, 07:18:34 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


KeSPA Cup   03.10 09:00   KT.Stats vs Neeb
KeSPA Cup   03.10 11:00   KT.TY vs Jinair.Trap
QS Arena   03.10 16:00   Epiphany Bolt vs Red Instinct
Arena   03.10 17:00   Imperial vs Power Rangers
ECS Quali   03.10 17:00   Dignitas vs Tricked
D2CL   03.10 19:00   Prodota Gaming vs FlipSid3

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
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Activity: 900
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October 04, 2016, 06:46:44 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


ESL   04.10 09:00   Legacy vs Parallax
ANZ   04.10 09:50   Big and Black vs Brain DDOS
Danawa   04.10 10:00   KongDoo Panthera vs LuxuryWatch BLUE
Nanyang   04.10 10:00   iG Vitality vs Vici Gaming
ESL   04.10 10:00   Parallax vs Legacy
OlimoLeague   04.10 11:00   KT.Losira vs Galaxy.Stork
OlimoLeague   04.10 11:00   ByuN vs KT.Stats
OlimoLeague   04.10 11:00   Afreeca.aLive vs MVP.Ryung
OlimoLeague   04.10 11:00   MVP.GuMiho vs Afreeca.Super
ESL   04.10 11:00   Immunity vs Chiefs
ESL   04.10 12:00   Chiefs vs Immunity
Nanyang   04.10 13:00   LGD.Forever Young vs Invictus Gaming
Gauntlet   04.10 16:00   Preparation vs k1ck
EPICENTER Q   04.10 18:00   Spirit vs Tengri
Gauntlet   04.10 19:00   fnatic Academy vs GODSENT Academy
Dino PC   04.10 20:00   Ninjas With Attitude vs T for Tilt
ESL   05.10 01:00   Splyce vs eUnited
ESL   05.10 02:00   Splyce vs eUnited
ESL   05.10 03:00   OpTic vs CLG
ESL   05.10 04:00   OpTic vs CLG
ESL   05.10 09:00   Athletico vs AVANT GARDE
ESL   05.10 10:00   
ESL   05.10 11:00   onestop vs Exile5
none      Athletico vs AVANT GARDE

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
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Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

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October 05, 2016, 06:48:11 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


Nanyang   05.10 10:00   iG Vitality vs NewBee Youth
SD2O   05.10 13:00   LGD.Forever Young vs CDEC
Nanyang   05.10 13:00   Ehome vs Invictus Gaming
QS Arena   05.10 16:00   ATB vs Iwku
Gauntlet   05.10 16:00   k1ck vs Venatores
Danger Cup   05.10 17:00   G2O vs Yellow Submarine
QS Arena   05.10 17:00   fruits vs Above the Rest
ESL   05.10 18:00   EnVyUs vs fnatic
QS Arena   05.10 18:00   Epiphany Bolt vs XPC
EPICENTER Q   05.10 19:00   HellRaisers vs Tengri
QS Arena   05.10 19:00   Epsilon Hype vs Venatores
Gauntlet   05.10 19:00   INETKOXTV vs Alpha
ESL   05.10 19:15   EnVyUs vs fnatic
ESL   06.10 01:00   Immortals vs Liquid
ESL   06.10 01:00   NRG vs Splyce
ESL   06.10 02:00   Immortals vs Liquid
ESL   06.10 02:00   NRG vs Splyce
ESL   06.10 03:00   Renegades vs CLG
ESL   06.10 03:00   Winterfox vs Splyce
ESL   06.10 04:00   Renegades vs CLG
ESL   06.10 04:00   Winterfox vs Splyce

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

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October 06, 2016, 06:55:36 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


WESG   06.10 08:00   NaVi.Xixo vs SO.lbdutchboy
WESG   06.10 08:00   AeS.Snowman vs Fluffy
APAC   06.10 08:00   Snake vs Unsold Stuff
WESG   06.10 08:45   NecroRaisers vs Zeta Pegasi
WESG   06.10 08:45   Horde vs Denmark
WESG   06.10 08:45   Kinguin vs Ukraine
WESG   06.10 08:45   GODSENT vs Pixel
WESG   06.10 09:00   Col.Crane333 vs SO.lbdutchboy
WESG   06.10 09:00   NaVi.Xixo vs AeS.Snowman
WESG   06.10 09:00   [M]ShoWTimE vs IBIMarine
WESG   06.10 09:00   Invasion.Harstem vs [M]Dayshi
APAC   06.10 09:00   NRG vs Vici Gaming
World Cup   06.10 09:00   Argentina vs Singapore
World Cup   06.10 09:00   Denmark vs Sweden
SD2O   06.10 10:00   Ehome.Keen vs Team Braveheart
WESG   06.10 10:00   Col.Crane333 vs AeS.Snowman
WESG   06.10 10:00   NaVi.Xixo vs Fluffy
WESG   06.10 10:00   Fantastic Five vs NecroRaisers
WESG   06.10 10:00   Horde vs Zeta Pegasi
WESG   06.10 10:00   [M]ShoWTimE vs [M]Dayshi
WESG   06.10 10:00   mYi.Beastyqt vs IBIMarine
WESG   06.10 10:00   
WESG   06.10 10:00   GODSENT vs LDLC Espoir
World Cup   06.10 10:30   Kinguin vs Pixel
World Cup   06.10 10:30   Tunisia vs Argentina
WCA Quali   06.10 11:00   Ehome vs Vici Gaming J
WESG   06.10 11:00   AeS.Snowman vs SO.lbdutchboy
WESG   06.10 11:00   Col.Crane333 vs Fluffy
WESG   06.10 11:00   [M]Dayshi vs IBIMarine
WESG   06.10 11:00   Invasion.Harstem vs mYi.Beastyqt
WESG   06.10 11:30   dd vs fish123
WESG   06.10 11:30   Comanche vs Ne Rusb
WESG   06.10 11:30   LVLUP vs XENEX Gaming
WESG 2016   06.10 11:30   EnVyUs vs ALTERNATE aTTaX
WESG   06.10 12:00   Fluffy vs SO.lbdutchboy
WESG   06.10 12:00   NaVi.Xixo vs Col.Crane333
WESG   06.10 12:00   [M]Dayshi vs mYi.Beastyqt
WESG   06.10 12:00   [M]ShoWTimE vs Invasion.Harstem
World Cup   06.10 12:00   Singapore vs Tunisia
World Cup   06.10 12:00   Turkey vs France
WESG   06.10 12:45   Astralis vs ALTERNATE aTTaX
WESG   06.10 12:45   EnVyUs vs fish123
WESG   06.10 12:45   LVLUP vs Ne Rusb
WESG   06.10 12:45   Comanche vs Wombat Gaming
SD2O   06.10 13:00   NewBee vs CDEC
WESG   06.10 13:00   Col.Loyan vs Korvus
WESG   06.10 13:00   GL.Diggen vs Tigarbo
WESG   06.10 13:00   Invasion.Harstem vs IBIMarine
WESG   06.10 13:00   [M]ShoWTimE vs mYi.Beastyqt
World Cup   06.10 13:30   Canada vs Tunisia
World Cup   06.10 13:30   Denmark vs Turkey
WESG   06.10 14:00   TS.Gaara vs GL.Diggen
WESG   06.10 14:00   Tigarbo vs Col.Loyan
WESG   06.10 14:00   mYi.Serral vs Expert.Bly
WESG   06.10 14:00   PD.GunGFuBanDa vs DP.Namshar
WESG   06.10 14:15 vs .Russia
WESG   06.10 14:15   .Norway vs Guerilla Method
WESG   06.10 14:15   Ukraine vs Zero Hoots Given
WESG   06.10 14:15   Que la Famille vs Paragon eSports
WESG   06.10 15:00   TS.Gaara vs Col.Loyan
WESG   06.10 15:00   Tigarbo vs Korvus
WESG   06.10 15:00   PD.GunGFuBanDa vs Revolver
WESG   06.10 15:00   Expert.Bly vs DP.Namshar
World Cup   06.10 15:00   Denmark vs France
World Cup   06.10 15:00   Canada vs Singapore
WESG   06.10 15:30 vs .Norway
WESG   06.10 15:30   Bpro vs Guerilla Method
WESG   06.10 15:30   Que la Famille vs Zero Hoots Given
WESG   06.10 15:30   Romania vs Paragon eSports
WESG   06.10 16:00   Col.Loyan vs GL.Diggen

Vitalbet - The official Sportsbook and Casino of Manny Pacquiao     Betcoin- The most advanced Bitcoin- Sprotsbook and Casino Website in the World!   eBettle - Most Complete eSports Sportsbook
UltraPlay (OP)
Sr. Member
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Activity: 900
Merit: 250

Advanced Betting Solutions

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October 07, 2016, 07:08:36 AM

Dear eSports fans,

Please find the schedule for today's live games ONLY at &


WESG   07.10 08:45   ALTERNATE aTTaX vs fish123
WESG   07.10 08:45   Astralis vs dd
WESG   07.10 09:00   Liquid.Snute vs Demuslim
WESG   07.10 09:00   Euronics.Nerchio vs DK.TomikuS
WESG   07.10 09:00   Orange vs Paradox
WESG   07.10 09:00   NoRageHS vs Fenomeno
WESG   07.10 09:00   Ne Rusb vs XENEX Gaming
WESG   07.10 09:00   LVLUP vs Wombat Gaming
DPL   07.10 09:00   CDEC vs Invictus Gaming
APAC   07.10 09:00   NGA Club vs All Strike Gaming
World Cup   07.10 09:00   France vs Tunisia
World Cup   07.10 09:00   Denmark vs Singapore
WESG   07.10 10:00   Orange vs BunnyHoppor
WESG   07.10 10:00   Fenomeno vs Paradox
WESG   07.10 10:00   Euronics.Nerchio vs [M]MarineLorD
WESG   07.10 10:00   Liquid.Snute vs DK.TomikuS
SD2O   07.10 10:00   LGD.Forever Young vs Ehome.Keen
WESG   07.10 10:00   EnVyUs vs Astralis
WESG   07.10 10:00   ALTERNATE aTTaX vs dd
WESG   07.10 10:30   Ne Rusb vs Wombat Gaming
WESG   07.10 10:30   Comanche vs XENEX Gaming
World Cup   07.10 10:30   
World Cup   07.10 10:30   Turkey vs Singapore
WESG   07.10 11:00   Denmark vs Tunisia
WESG   07.10 11:00   NoRageHS vs Paradox
WESG   07.10 11:00   Euronics.Nerchio vs Liquid.Snute
WESG   07.10 11:00   [M]MarineLorD vs Demuslim
OGN   07.10 11:00   Rhinos Gaming Titan vs Flash Nox
WCA Quali   07.10 11:00   Invictus Gaming vs Vici Gaming J
DPL   07.10 11:15   Wings Gaming vs Ehome
WESG   07.10 11:30   Ukraine vs Pixel
WESG   07.10 11:30   Kinguin vs LDLC Espoir
WESG   07.10 12:00   Orange vs Fenomeno
WESG   07.10 12:00   BunnyHoppor vs NoRageHS
WESG   07.10 12:00   Euronics.Nerchio vs Demuslim
WESG   07.10 12:00   [M]MarineLorD vs DK.TomikuS
WESG   07.10 12:00   Fantastic Five vs Denmark
WESG   07.10 12:00   Horde vs NecroRaisers
World Cup   07.10 12:00   Canada vs Denmark
World Cup   07.10 12:00   Turkey vs Argentina
OGN   07.10 12:30   KongDoo Uncia vs BK Stars
WESG   07.10 12:45   Ukraine vs LDLC Espoir
WESG   07.10 12:45   GODSENT vs Kinguin
WESG   07.10 13:00   tidsskrift vs Raena
WESG   07.10 13:00   Liquid.Neirea vs Slugg
WESG   07.10 13:00   Liquid.Snute vs [M]MarineLorD
WESG   07.10 13:00   Demuslim vs DK.TomikuS
WESG   07.10 13:30   Horde vs Fantastic Five
WESG   07.10 13:30   Denmark vs Zeta Pegasi
DPL   07.10 13:30   Wings Gaming vs NewBee
World Cup   07.10 13:30   Canada vs France
World Cup   07.10 13:30   Sweden vs Tunisia
WESG   07.10 14:00   PG.Strange vs cSc.Kas
WESG   07.10 14:00   RB.Lillekanin vs RB.Nightend
WESG   07.10 14:00   Slugg vs Raena
WESG   07.10 14:00   tidsskrift vs Kazadiel
WESG   07.10 14:15   Epsilon vs k1ck oldschool
WESG   07.10 14:15   Dignitas vs EYESports
WESG   07.10 15:00   PG.Strange vs Invasion.Nightend
WESG   07.10 15:00   True.Elazer vs cSc.Kas
WESG   07.10 15:00   Liquid.Neirea vs Raena
WESG   07.10 15:00   Slugg vs Kazadiel
WESG   07.10 15:00   Alliance vs Butterfly Effect
WESG   07.10 15:00   woof vs Alternate
World Cup   07.10 15:00   France vs Argentina
World Cup   07.10 15:00   Canada vs Sweden
WESG   07.10 15:30   k1ck oldschool vs
WESG   07.10 15:30   Epsilon vs EYESports
WESG   07.10 16:00   cSc.Kas vs RB.Lillekanin
WESG   07.10 16:00   True.Elazer vs PG.Strange

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