what is your have skill ?
if you have skill seo you can play adsense and about publisher cpa cmp and more with blog
you have skil analys price, you can trading altcoin bitcoin or forex
Adsense is pretty much harder these days since the panda update if you are aware of the google ago when it comes to indexing pages. Writers in this industry however made it good with thier websites more like authority. Starting a website for adsense may need time but feasible.
One that i could suggest is an online business. Eshop perhaps for locals in your area, this is easy to build reputation.
Doesn't need to be a site, freelancers earn a decent living too
Fivver, Freelancer[dot]com etc soar these days both by freelancers and potential buyers. Ofcourse you need to have some skills before you go for it.