February 25, 2013, 01:03:30 PM |
An update from a recently new member of the this mining project.
Being the newb to the scene that I was I quickly checked out this site and was interested in what they were offering. Compared to buying any hardware that was/is available and having to shipped to me and pay for customs their offer looked very good.
At that point they had already sold out, pretty much, all the first round of indefinite contracts that they wanted to start with. But still had a hand full of 1-years.
A new vote had just been taken on many key issues and things seemed to be running smooth from what I could pick up in their forum. No one panicking or worrying what was going on with invested BTC and full disclosure (as much a legally possible at the moment) on what was being bought why and how. So I bought some 1-years and actually got just a couple of the first indefs.
Since then I have come know to some people in the group and have chatted with the man behind the curtain (who I am assumiing to be JMcGrath, not sure) numerous times and he has my utmost respect and trust at this time. I see the hours and effort being put in and we are not even mining yet.
We have just sold another small allotment of contracts to increase hashing power to over 1 TH soon. So at the moment we are sold out of contracts and in a holding pattern for hardware like most everyone else. We are, however not just standing around. Except a new and improved web site very soon with all the info you will want on the project.
If you didn't get in on the this project on the first round, don't fret. If all goes well the project should open to new members a few months after we are mining.
So yes I drank the Kool-Aid here and will happily go back for more when given the chance. If anything goes wrong with this project I truly feel will not be through fault of JMcGrath or anyone in PBM. I actaully hope to have them host my own ASIC at some point.
Keep up the good work JMcgrath!