Attempted scam by Mt.Gox?

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I've been using Mt.Gox to purchase Bitcoins for the past 1 month by funding my Mt.Gox account using OKPAY. All the transactions made have been successful and without hassale, except for the last 2. Usually, when I fund my Mt.Gox account using OKPAY, the money appears in my Mt.Gox account in less than an hour. For the second last transaction, the funds haven't appeared even after an hour, which then I knew something was up. I decided to give it a few more hours, and the money still did not appear.

I contacted Mt.Gox's support department, and bla bla the usual exchanges between a customer and a helpdesk officer took place. Finally, the person promised to get back to me "soon". In the mean time, I needed the Bitcoins quite urgently, hence I made another transaction. Call me stupid or what, but I still trusted Mt.Gox. The same story took place for the second transaction. It had been nearly 3 days since the last message from the helpdesk, and no follow-ups from them yet. If the transactions have been successful for a whole month, I don't see what kind of excuses they can give for such actions. Furthermore, they don't seem to have the intention to resolve this at all. The total amount of money involved was a little over 100 USD.

Also, I'm very sure that neither the Mt.Gox nor the OKPAY websites I was on were phishing websites, as I usually visit them from my browser history or type the addresses out fully. I don't think the problem lies with OKPAY either.

Are you sure your account on Gox is not on hold pending some form of validation? I know you said you talked to someone but maybe they just didn't mention this for some reason. I have read a few times recently that people have had their accounts put on hold and were only told about it once they had a problem moving funds around.

Step one is just going to be to get back in contact with Gox and see if they know anything else, I can't help you with that. And Step two is to just check if anything is pending approval on either side, Gox or OKPAY. Maybe one of the services need you to verify who you are or something like that. This wouldn't be out of the ordinary.

Quote from: Kuusou on November 17, 2012, 09:13:42 AM

Are you sure your account on Gox is not on hold pending some form of validation? I know you said you talked to someone but maybe they just didn't mention this for some reason. I have read a few times recently that people have had their accounts put on hold and were only told about it once they had a problem moving funds around.

Step one is just going to be to get back in contact with Gox and see if they know anything else, I can't help you with that. And Step two is to just check if anything is pending approval on either side, Gox or OKPAY. Maybe one of the services need you to verify who you are or something like that. This wouldn't be out of the ordinary.

For OKPAY, I definitely didn't hit any sort of receiving/sending limit. Furthermore, when I sent money to my Mt.Gox account, the transaction was recorded in my OKPAY history. I'm very sure the transaction was completed. As for Mt.Gox, I've never heard of any limit for receiving money, only withdrawing. I guess I should ask them, although it sounds improbable that my account had been put on hold, since my account hasn't been very active and the sum of money involved is small.

I don't think it has anything to do with a limit. I have read more than one time that peoples accounts were put on hold pending some form of verification. I don't know more about it as I don't use that web site right now but if I find the other posts I'm talking about I will come back and link them.

As I suggested, you should get back in touch with Gox and ask if they know more or if your account is on hold or anything like that.

I would suspect OKPAY way before I would mt.gox.


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