We apologize for the inconvenience. Our web server have been hacked as per our host provider. The hacker has deleted our configs, files and databases. We don't believe this, we believe it was their server's fault.
The only backup we had is on January 10, 2016. This is really frustrating as this was the server's fault and not our own script. No matter what I do, though I resent them, it didn't help at all. Our host provider didn't have any logs on what has happened as all configs were deleted.
This is already the worst experience we had for a service provider. There was no clue what was happened and the only thing they knew it was hacked. And now they have reloaded our operating system.
We are so sorry to those who registered after January 10, 2016 as this is the only backup we have in our files. We're going to get back the server online in just a couple of hours. If you want to comment you can do it here.
damn, bad news smashbitsters