@notlist3d have you been able to use a passphrase with your KeepKey? The site claims you can add passphrase protection to the seed but I see no way to do it. I just got my KeepKey the other day and am writing up a comparison article to Trezor. KeepKey also claims on reddit that it is now compatible with GreenBits on Android, still trying to get that working also. I have a support ticket open on that one. No passphrase protection is a huge negative for KeepKey.
I still have my KeepKey and love the size and feel of it. It is a great wallet it feels substantial an my favorite feature is that screen. This was built on Trezor code so you will see a lot of crossover due to that.
I have not tried passphrase protection, your on right direction on asking KeepKey on that. They should guide you through it better then me if it is a option.