well what is the difficulty like these days for decred? I managed to 'swap' some coupons (got 5 obelisk blake2b miners...a mistake indeed)
for ONE free (supposed) obelisk decred miner 1.5th at 500 watt?) that 'supposedly' will come out end of August. In that they have NOT
shipped the 'doorstop' siacoin obelisk units the coupons came from ..figure Sept 2018 at best.
Even though this was, a free unit (see above) will it even be worth running at that time with more or less current decred prices?
I kinda doubt it but figured I'd ask...(well, if I'm screwed on this as well, at least this doorstop was free) (FML)
thanks for any info/guesses on this
edited: more found a decred calculator and man is it ugly!
er....found the calculator of what it would do today...yep doorstop as well it seems ..at my 14c kWh data hall rate with rent anyway...
looks like by end of Sept 2018 say, will be better off just staying in the box also. (for doorstop use, units staying in the box MINT, make
for ease of use (less friction) as doorstops...a helpful hint)
anyway what the what to mine calculator says I'd make TODAY if I had one at the 14c kWh rate at my data hall with rent for electric.
8c a day...pretty much what the above obelisk sc-1 blake2b doorstops (siacoin) are making a day as well if I had those 5 units as well.
oh well, live and learn (total down after taxes and equip depreciation etc on above 5 obelisk units to get this free decred miner
from coupons was 1.11 BTC, again live an learn)
below for those interested is the price at the USA average electric price (summer rates) of 12c kWh w/o rent at a data hall.
https://whattomine.com/coins/152-dcr-blake-14r?utf8=%E2%9C%93&hr=1200.0&p=500.0&fee=0.0&cost=0.12&hcost=0.0&commit=Calculateyea! you make 9c per day at 12c kWh vs 8c per day at 14c kWh. (FML)
anyway, that is the ugly on all this, thanks for listening..but man do we need a price pump on coin!