Your bitcoin is nothing more than a useless string of numbers that your video card farted out. I have a sock drawer filled with Coke Rewards Points that at least will get me a free Coke Zero.
My bitcoin will get me dollars, a lot more dollars than I paid for them (at the moment). Maybe others are not so lucky. They should probably just wait, like I did.
I would see your point if you think the string of numbers in your paypal/dwolla account, or the string of numbers of on your bank statement are equally useless. I guess for some people it takes a leap of logic to understand that there are some strings of numbers which can get a person a lot of Coke Zeros.
I agree with you on the Bitcoin thing, but your inability to read between the lines on an elementary (school) level just makes me sad. You could try showing your writing to someone else before posting, just to catch this sort of things. Try this in your pipe: “Oil crashed” in 2008, in 1980, in 1920, etc., whatever. “Oil” itself never crashed for good, that’s what “Bubble come, bubble go” means; we’re still using oil.
Of course, this a totally different parallel universe from the one where Bitcoin lives; it’s completely useless to begin with, and equipped with a system that can be judged as unusable by a five-year-old.
What a multi-polar world. Bitcoin proponents are greedy geeks peddling a crypto-scam. Bitcoin buyers are foolish speculators with less sense than five-year-olds. And bitcoin detractors can't read on an elementary level.
Which brings me back to bubbles. Bubbles burst when they run out of foolish buyers. So by the bubble analysis, the bitcoin bubble has less to do with the supply and demand of bitcoin and more to do with the supply and demand of fools. When the supply of fools exceeds the demand, the price of BTC goes up. But when there's no more fools to sell to (demand for fools exceeds the supply), BTC crashes.
Therefore, anyone predicting an imminent crash of the bitcoin bubble believes the world will soon run out of fools. But the only thing on which everyone can agree, is that they are all fools.
What a paradox.