I'm quite available in between 8am est-4pm est but I constantly cannot remain online all the time. (same as what 98789 proposed earlier)
Let me know if that would be okay.
Becoming a mod is good, but yahoo I think you should also check their temper ad english skills.
Good point.
A lot of time, proper english and no payment? Great offer!
Surely you know that most of mods aren't getting paid right? Even such reputable casino pd doesnt pay their mods.
why are mods doing the mod job for so many hours if they don't get paid? I really would like to understand what their motivation is? anyone?
Please visit any gambling site out there and tell me which mods are paid for their services? All you people are seriously delusional if you think moderators are paid in over 90% of gambling sites. They receive tips from users yes but most sites moderators earn 0.
Noone is saying hey you must login for 8 hours and stay there that whole time either. I just want users that are available for the slot they sign up for. They can be browsing other sites or doing whatever they norally do while online long as theyre checking chat now n then and trying to help other users with any questions they may have.