That's why we need to increase block size (even i think 2MB can't hold it for long time), blockstream isn't way to solve this problem.
Blockstream is trying to solve it while you're falling for the nonsense proposed by Bitcoin Classic. Let's look at how badly Bitcoin scales via the block size limit.
Let's say that 700 million people use Bitcoin (that's ~10% of the World population, even less), and that they all make only 1 transaction per day. Transaction size is averaging half a kilobyte today (source Bitcoin Wiki).
700 million transactions * 0.5 = 350 million Kilobyte = ~350 GB/ 144 (blocks per day) =
~2.4 Gigabyte per block. This is only if they make
a single transaction per day (which is unlikely, as the average would be much higher with adoption on this scale).
Without off-chain solutions such as LN, Bitcoin doesn't have a future on a global scale. I'm not saying that we should never increase the block size. However, we should not be looking at it as the primary way of scaling Bitcoin.
Maybe some people will think there'll less node & pools need better server, but with very fast technology growing, there won't be any problem. Internet fiber become more common, microprocessor is faster and more efficient & a harddisk can have 100TB capacity in 2020.
We're already reaching problems with Moore's law (which is almost dead); HDD capacity is begging to stagnate, the average internet speed grows in small percentages per year.