first off i would rather buy a vps with bitcoins, that will give me some anonymity for a start,
i can get a linux vps if needed (its also helpful, i wont need my laptop/s to be powered on at all time then)
LAMP - ill do my research today
Configure Tor? i thought it configures auto
i also know i need the Tor Bundle.
Debian up and running? means install debian on the vps maybe?
Frankly, I've never dealt with a VPS but it couldn't be much different than a non-virtual private server. Linux is the only choice here, if anonymity is your concern Windows isn't an option. Are you familiar with SSH? Also, is your local machine Linux or Windows? If Windows, I can't help you with what cli software to use (last I used was cygwin a long time ago, unsure if still valid), or maybe it'd be better to use a VM with a Linux os. That's your choice.
LAMP is nothing special, just Linux server with Apache, PHP, MySQL. You'll need at least Linux+Apache to run Tor, which yes will need some configuring to get working a-ok. Debian is merely a suggestion, based on personal experience.
Here's the link to the TorBB