We have a winner!
Congratulations janggernaut - your valid wager and closest guess of April 13 at 14:15 UTC means you win! LuckyBit reached 100,000BTC in volume shortly after midnight UTC, April 13.
You will be contacted by TheNewAnon135246 for shipping details. Cheers!
Stay tuned for more chances to win one of these amazing Silver Wallets!
We have a winner!
Congratulations janggernaut - your valid wager and closest guess of April 13 at 14:15 UTC means you win! LuckyBit reached 100,000BTC in volume shortly after midnight UTC, April 13.
You will be contacted by TheNewAnon135246 for shipping details. Cheers!
Stay tuned for more chances to win one of these amazing Silver Wallets!
0.25BTC to the next two closest. is that mean i won .25
Hi stingleword,@all LuckyBiters
Forgive me disturb,and I do report a fucking scammer tenaciouzd,and need all u helps to spread this dirty guys.Thx again,and this guys is just here above.Pls come here
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1435547.0 for detail.