I doubt that US inflation is going to send BTC skyrocketing considering that China is more invested than anybody right now... I guess it's possible for us to become the new China given some bad economic circumstances, but it doesn't seem very likely to me. Besides, 1.4% a year is better than losing half of the value of your investment over a couple years like BTC did
1.4% honestly isn't too terribly much inflation, if you're saving money you can easily make over that with the right investments. It's mostly a matter of wages moving up to match the upped cost of living.
The figures are all complete rubbish! The jobless number especially does not represent the participation rate at all, even though they should essentially be the same thing.
With inflation, I don't know about in the US, the in the UK they have 2 rates, which they decide to use almost interchangeably to suit their current mood! The 1.4% inflation must include a huge fall in the oil price, so gas, oil and energy generally will have fallen, but overall inflation was 1.4%, so what would it have been if oil hadn't dropped about 60%?!
I don't hope for hyper-inflation, and it hasn't happened in Japan yet, which always seems a few steps ahead in the race to the bottom, so who know what will happen. Maybe all currencies will hyper-inflate, so we will only notice when non-inflating PMs and Cryto go up a lot!