nxt has the most activity out of all the decentralized exchanges.
and slower blocktimes
but they are trying to launch NXT2.0 so that they can be faster and more scalable like BitShares2.0
Because when you push the button, how long do you want to wait?
Well, if we are going to compare
A decentralized exchange means for me that the validation of the transactions happens in a decentralized way.
I understand that bitshares put a limit on the amount of people that can validate transactions, 100, and even implemented a human voting process that decides who those 100 are, correct?
In this case the validation of transactions is prone to hijacking by a select few.
It's easy to have faster transactions if you sacrifice decentralization.
I think Nxt is fast enough to do trades, it's 1 minute max for your transaction to be validated, yet anyone that owns coins can validate transactions, not a select few.