i want to ask is there any minimum fake followers or it just need real followers ?
like if there is a twitter with audit score lower than other or 20% , cant it ?
Minimum 1000 real followers, or at least over 900.
I`m not sure you understood it.
1 tweet can only be tweeted once / account.
BUT if you have 10 twitter accounts, that is great, you can tweet that 1 tweet with the 10 accounts, so that is 40 tweets for you.
That is what I meant.

Good luck with your campaign.
Also, how long are you going to run this campaign? Because I might participate
later. (You missed this question.)
I plan on spending 0.3
BTC for now, and then I pause it to have time to analyze the results.
If its succesful, then it will be continued.
Sorry too few followers -minimum 1000