error message: "Unknown transaction type found"
<< < (2/2)
Peter Todd:
Quote from: kjj on January 31, 2013, 05:57:21 PM

Basically, when listtransactions runs, it looks at every output of every transaction that you are involved in, even the outputs that are not yours.  This causes these messages to show up in your logs, because p2pool uses a bogus txout for internal pool tracking.

That's pretty much it, although FWIW the particularly odd scriptPubKey posted above, "OP_IFDUP OP_IF OP_2SWAP OP_VERIFY OP_2OVER OP_DEPTH", was actually created by an old bug in P2Pool where one of the scriptPubKeys was being set to the data "script" rather than a proper serialized script. The "OP_IFDUP" etc. happens to be what that string decodes to in op-codes. The bug has been long since fixed, but the OP did mention they mined at p2pool some time ago.
Quote from: retep on January 31, 2013, 07:29:10 PM

That's pretty much it, although FWIW the particularly odd scriptPubKey posted above, "OP_IFDUP OP_IF OP_2SWAP OP_VERIFY OP_2OVER OP_DEPTH", was actually created by an old bug in P2Pool where one of the scriptPubKeys was being set to the data "script" rather than a proper serialized script. The "OP_IFDUP" etc. happens to be what that string decodes to in op-codes. The bug has been long since fixed, but the OP did mention they mined at p2pool some time ago.

Thanks.  That's reassuring.

I keep switching between client versions 0.7.x and 0.8.x and thought maybe that had corrupted something.
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