Last fall (2012) a very public trolling that cost many people a great deal of money was perpetrated by myself, and it was not a very good trolling at that. Although the intention was for entertainment for a majority of users, I crossed a lot of lines and ended up both hurting people financially and causing people to think things of me I had not intended. For that I am truly ashamed for my behavior and have had a lot to think about in regards to my involvement in the bitcoin movement and what I can do differently. I lost a lot of 'friends' to my poor decisions and I'd like to make it up to them as well.
The following users participated in a bet with me that reached into amounts that are impossible to pay in this lifetime. Graciously, many of these users have presented a more realistic settlement and I have accepted. This thread is a matter of public record in regards to that settlement and the resolution of this situation in general and will be kept up to date by myself and forum admins.
Username | Status |
evolve | Resolved |
crosby | Resolved |
dust | Resolved |
SgtSpike | Resolved |
deslok | Resolved |
Rassah | Resolved |
ThiagoCMC | Resolved |
Sp0tter | Resolved |
Transisto | Resolved |
organofcorti | Resolved |
ninjarobot | Resolved |
1l1l11ll1l | Resolved |
epetroel | Resolved |
unclescrooge | Resolved |
eroxors | Resolved |
Ente | Resolved |
vampire | Resolved |
Le Happy Merchant | Resolved |
bg002h | Resolved |
Belkaar | Resolved |
PsychoticBoy | Resolved |
project10 | Resolved |
sapoleon | Resolved |
BrightAnarchist | Resolved |
totaleclipseofthebank | Resolved |
Come-from-Beyond | Resolved |
nimda | Resolved |
Ivica | Resolved |
nave | Resolved |
Electricbees | Resolved |
OneEyed | Resolved |
ensign_lee | Resolved |
uuidman | Resolved |
dayfall | Resolved |
MrTeal | Resolved | | Resolved |
ThePok | Resolved |
retep | Resolved |
P4man | Resolved |
BTCHero | Resolved |
psy | Resolved |
flower1024 | Resolved |
Projects | Resolved |
TheKoziTwo | Resolved |
theymos | Resolved |
finway | Resolved |
CrazyBlane | Resolved |
Willowbitcoin | Resolved |
el_rlee | Resolved |
muyuu | Resolved |
Scott J | Resolved |
dreamwatcher | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
nazgulnarsil | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Maged | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
bdcs | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
BinaryMage | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
avidreader | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
burtan | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Fredyy | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
IveBeenBit | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
jjiimm_64 | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
notme | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
EskimoBob | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
ultramancool | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
LittleShop | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
DBordello | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
mp420 | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
elux | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
bitcoinBull | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
bpd | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
FreeMoney | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
usagi | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Eisenhower34 | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Hexadecibel | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Muis | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
bitcoiners | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
moartr4dez(DigitalHermit) | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Endgame | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Philj | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Micon | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
arij | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
bitbotbut | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
ribuck | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
mindphlux | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
drakahn | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
coin_toss | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Namworld | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
SysRun | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
ineededausername | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
riX2000 | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
Anduck | Settlement reached; Pending resolution |
ianspain | No response to repeat communications |
CoinCidental | No response to repeat communications |
honest bob | No response to repeat communications |
coinrolls2 | No response to repeat communications |
Koooooj | No response to repeat communications |
makomk | No response to repeat communications |
silverbox | No response to repeat communications |
Shadow383 | No response to repeat communications |
softwareseller | No response to repeat communications |
AndrewBUD | No response to repeat communications |
Coinoisseur | No response to repeat communications |
darkmule | No response to repeat communications |
bitfoo | Unable to locate |
hgmichna | Unable to locate |
DoUHearThePeopleSing | Unable to locate |
uw | Unable to locate |
Drazic | Unable to locate |
russellw | Unable to locate |
BarnacleTsunami | Unable to locate |