If I eat animal do I retain its soul or does it leave with the juices during cooking?
Fat dudes must be full of soul, if I eat one will I become a god?
You can eat meat and it's tasty but if you never had meat before and looked at animals as living beings with feelings then maybe you wont eat them ..You know no difference..
So what is wrong with this action..I love meat but if my parents brought me up this way then all good..
So when the kids of tomorrow get brought up like this in New Zealand they will grow up less likely to eat meat and have respect for all life..You will be healthy and live a longer life on fruit and veg..
even if people eat it less meat it's all good..Because we feel guilty might eat it once a month..
We will find out soon the affects..All New Zealander's will be skinny soon
Big people New Zealander's
I mentioned Buddhism..Being one with everything..Stick some gecko tape on your mouth and you might learn something