I've built a Pi2 with a 12 port USB powered hub. I've put 8 of the 333mhz cpu's in the hub, and power a pair of 5v fans, and the Pi2.
I put a WD750 pocket drive on the Pi2, for the Bitcoin Cache to "live" !
It's taken a whole day for the format to complete on the drive.
I'm using the ethernet 10/100 port, wireless while strong, is hokey... imho
I think I'll be ready to startup BitCoin and pointing the cache at the HD. Let's see how long it takes to catch up the cache!
Comments/suggestions welcome
Are you sitting up solo mining or what are you needing the HD for? I'm unsure if you were doing it to be a node, or setting up solo mine from scratch.
Sounds like intresting project as I like those old stick miners due to memories. I agree with person above would love to see pick of the 8 block erupters.