I know how you feel man, I've been lucky mostly, though this current market is making me twitch a little.
I feel a little bit itchy under the skin that I didn't wait for the price to go up higher... here I am sitting, watching the price climb skyward, we are almost breaking our all time record.
All in all though, I am content.
I purchased 20 back in december-ish for around 11USD a bitcoin, I sold them at 27USD the other day... that is a massive profit margin. Whether the price ever goes back down for me to turn those sold bitcoins back in to more bitcoins doesn't REALLY matter. I have the money in hand, I can use it, It doesn't go to waste, it was over double profit.
Plus I have a decent sized savings of bitcoins.
My idea was, I "know" the bitcoins are worth at least 20 right now, so if it gets below 20, I buy back in. If it hits 40$ I'll sell another 10 bitcoins. The only part I don't have a plan for is if it keeps rising beyond that. I don't believe it will yet, I "know" there is going to be a another crash sooner or later here, there "has" to be, right?

This can't be an endless ramp, right? The price is skyrocketing so fast...