Okay didn't know that about lastpass. So is keepass the only password program to never gotten hacked then? I heard some other one like lpassword i think but maybe thats the wrong one?
There are no guarantees that Keepass wont suffer a breach in the future. Just because they weren't hacked yet, doesn't mean it can't happen in the future. Not to mention that you have to consider all the possible attack vectors that can go through the devices that you use with Keepass. Remember that users considered many crypto exchanges to be a safe storage mediums until they started getting hacked and people started losing their mind.
Umm... i store my seeds online with a password manager as i described. I know people said don't do that... because I didn't have any good option because i thought...
Is there nothing in your house or apartment were you can hide a piece of paper that contains your seed? Look around. Do you have an old office chair. Unscrew one of its wheels, put the seed phrase in the tube and screw the wheel back on. You just hid your seed in plain sight. The chances of a thief stealing your chair or taking it apart to see what is inside are very small.
I know a friend who kept jewelry in and old pair of computer speakers from the 90s. That's also an option. Hide it inside a VCR recorder for example. No one is going to take that even if it's free. Look around the place you live in and find something.