September 07, 2016, 07:35:53 PM |
Ok guys.
It looks like BitStrategy.net has "shut down". Here's there Facebook page quoting this about 24 hours ago:
"Breaking news: Due to so much inflow of money into our system and some excessive damages to our mining rigs and machines we are currently unable to pay all investors. And also our website is currently undergoing serious attack, so we would quickly pay as much investors as we can on one condition of upgrading. In conclusion we would advice those that will need their withdrawal from #bitstrategy to kindly message me here to upgrade your account to enable withdrawal. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience. Note; Due to some website problems. All payments will be done here on this page. Thanks for choosing us. #bitstrategy bitstrategy.net #mlm #pays #hyip #bitcoin #mining"
What a crock of you-know-what.
And, after you message them, a reply is received:
"We are under attack on our website so we are going to payout as much people as we can. You will surely get all your payouts from bitstrategy only if you upgrade.
There are three upgrades you can choose from. 1.) Standard $30: after you upgrade to this plan, all your pending withdrawals will be released slowly, it can take from a week up to a month to release all your money to you. This plan costs $30
2.) Premium $75: after you upgrade to this plan, all your pending withdrawals will be released slow, it can take from 24hours up to a week to release all your money to you. This plan costs $75
3.) Gold $200: after you upgrade to this plan, all your pending withdrawals will be released extremely fast, it can take from 30minutes up to an hour to release all your money to you. This plan costs $200
Send any of the payment to bitstrategy upgrade bitcoin wallet; 12i85U4vjQy7QNe3zabfAE3b6oKTAert8J
Reason for the payment; As the rush is high, everyone is trying to remove his or her money from bitstrategy, which will not be possible. The money will not be enough to pay all customers and as such we try to prevent cheating, we have decided to only payout to those who will upgrade because they deserve it.
Our strategy; If everybody should upgrade, there will be enough money to stabilize the system and upgrade the system to an expensive server to battle hackers. So apart from getting all your withdrawals, your upgrade will go a long way to help the system resume back normally. Thank you for the faith in us."
My investment was nominal. I hope others are OK from this site.