Why would ethtards want pos where the whales get richer? It makes no sense, it reminds me of gawtards
I don't think they understand that mining will end. They will either come to us and mine ETC when ETH goes to PoS or,
they will sell their GPUs and stake the cash back into ETH.
The people who buy those second hand GPUs will then be looking to mine a PoW coin i.e.ETC. Cutting off PoW just means other coins get the hashpower.
This will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
I think we should change the name from Etherium Classic it would have to be good.
How about something like
gen·e·sis (jĕn′ĭ-sĭs)
n. pl. gen·e·ses (-sēz′)
1. The coming into being of something; the origin. See Synonyms at beginning.
I think if we are always known as ether classic it sounds to much like a cheap knock off.. There is already so much of that in crypto. Bitcoin script ect ect.. Just a thought