How will you promote my sites for 100K Satoshi?
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Thread locked. All replies will be replied by today. Still reading and considering some of them. And payment will be make by 3 August 2016 0800 GMT+0000.

I am willing to pay ten different people 100K Satoshi (0.001 BTC) each. Now, tell me how will you promote and for 100K Satoshi. Payment will be send in bulk (to reduce transaction fees). Which mean payment may be delayed.

I will not use escrow for 0.01 Bitcoin. And I will also not go first.

Edit: It is confirmed that 'jacktheking' is main account. This account is mainly created to promote in Micro-earning without having problem with my signature campaign - like bumping thread.

yahoo62278 - 100K Satoshi - Confirmed 1YahooAcNav93Wkt2Dpx6KdfBYcNZXCib
mriulian - 100K Satoshi - Confirmed 19sZVkvfucHrkki4VhkcKmXZH8bMPopR6h
Xanidas - 100K Satoshi - Confirmed 1DzT7XWdLnkEb6VSihfvs2D7gjGPE3XQcc
Herbert2020 - 200K Satoshi - Confirmed 17BNV46UocHmtuCnsSx4BYCJKiLfwstt8E
jack1111 - 200K Satoshi - Confirmed 1F8rkn596aBatAnNtm9MyL4xNzHcHENfpE
pvaspecialist - 100K Satoshi - Unconfirmed
Angell - 100K Satoshi - Confirmed 13gVhKWNM6WJqdDBaBWWApgmjpeErj2jVz
Barbut - 100K Satoshi - Unconfirmed
OrangeSeller - 100K Satoshi - Confirmed 15gpWMV9uDWEG9bLpwJoXouhmJSHucv64H
JasonXG - 100K Satoshi - Unconfirmed
Jelly0621 - 100K Satoshi - Confirmed 3HSPTrzS9zrCkAnsMAXBfVwHeSWidwNuPR
hasiramasenju - 100K Satoshi - Unconfirmed
DarkStar_ - 150K Satoshi - Confirmed 1DarkStrRagcDjWtsPGxkav4WG3poLXzDS
Hirose UK - 200K Satoshi - Confirmed 1NYcwaMSCETzizFdaZ1yVFH8CVf5m7hYSN
I will promote it by making this 1 post in this thread. 100k sats is worth about this :)
i can post one tweet for you on my twitter here but you have to provide the tweet text first and also tell me the exact time when you will do the payment.
i can advertise you on a crypto related facebook group with around 20k members. let me know if you are interested via PM. thanks!
I can post to 2-3 different facebook groups.
But you must provide your own texts by Pm.
Payment time & date is required.

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