I personally think it is a mistake to dedicate the unit to tasks other than mining. You will lose efficiency and increase the chances of downtime.
Also, you seem to have mistaken my reason for choosing the APU in my recommended setup: It was because I believed the extra $17 to be worth the extra MH/s the GPU in the APU would give.
Nah, the CPU I quoted was a mistake, I was thinking the A10-5800K was a 6-Core
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113280but it is a four-core. Which at ~$129 is probably what I'll use.
The 8-core was in reference to the FX-8350 which looks good to me for ~$200 if I decided on a dedicated CPU instead of the above (not likely at this point).
I am not planning to use the unit for multiple operations at once, I am looking at the options I have other than mining when building the rig. The "rig" must be usable for other things (at different times) for me to justify the investment. That may be where there has been some confusion in this thread for which I apologize.
The best way for me to explain it is that I am looking to put around ~$2250 into this rig. I am going to run it as a miner for BTC initially and see how that goes, if/when the ASICs make this irrelevant I plan on mining LTC or TerraCoin, which if I understand correctly can be done on both the GPU/CPU with the right miner software. Now if I decide to quit mining or want to go to an ASIC in the future, I can either dedicate the rig back to BOINC or I can remove one of the 7990s from this rig grab another CPU and have two pretty nice rigs, one for gaming/video encoding and one for BOINC/CAD work. This would work real well especially since I don't use CAD enough to take away from BOINC. Hope this clarifies my intent!
Of course any further discussion is welcomed the more input the better.