shitcoin shills are likely bagholders themselves, not needing any additional incentive other than their own delusion.
Yep they talked themselvs into an investment, they likely even truly believe in it. They want to tell you how great it is for one so they can justify it instead of looking like a fool for handing their money away, and for two if they can convince you too and you buy the value of the investment goes up and it becomes self fulfilling..
The ones that actually believe in what they are telling you are not so bad, though can be annoying..
The ones that you know are just trying to tell you some sleazy shit are the ones that piss me off..
I don't know if I've ever really come across any true "paid" shills, the cosest I think I've scene to that would be lower level members of dev teams and "insiders" with dev teams.
I am about 95% sure though that I have came across a pair of true "paid" fudders taking 12 hour shifts.. They were F'n pro's, they were good at what they did.. I think they were from Garza's fleet actually..