Say a guy from Italy always won and a guy from Britain always comes fourth..The guy from Italy because of no nation will always have the support..
Now because the guy from Britain who always comes fourth will be the best in his nation he will get support other wise he will get no support..
No adverts in is nation no sponsor's no one would care only for the winner..
When it's for your nation then your nation cares no matter how good you are..
So if we done it your way not much money would float around the sport world..
Like sponsors from big businesses for the athletes to do it full time to be the best at what they do..
Athletes try to be the best to make themselves RICH Get paid fast..
Not working for 50 years in a dead end job for 35k a year scraping by..Be famous and get rich quick..THEN YOUR COUNTRY
I'd love that! Less money and less advertising in sports. It would probably be less professional but what's wrong with that?
You shall also think of all the people without a country, and those who don't like their country. To millions olympics is a show between foreigners without any interest.
I will tell you what's wrong..
POINT 1..Humans wont move forward in our physical being..Like faster stronger smarter..
POINT 2..So many sports out there anyone's child can become a sports star if they try hard enough.
If you really want it..SPORTS is so many more doors open to get out of poverty for our children..
No sports lots more poor people..Who would never get a chance to be rich?..
How many sports stars have come from nothing and i mean nothing..
Footballers from AFRICA ..So poor they live in a straw hut..Now they play football run and so on..
NO MORE STRAW HUT..And all his family lifted out of poverty?..
I even agree with mind sports competition to see who the smartest child in the world..
All helps toward making better humans..Smarter faster stronger..
Always remember these sports that make you money are there for your children to be the best and become rich..Sports is for everyone if you can handle the sweat blood and tears to be the best at what you do..
Just think of all the poor people who become good at there chosen sport who are now doing well in life because of sports
Without sports competitions at the highest level life would be POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..
And last point..It's in our nature to be competitive...