So iv been trying to set p these 2 LKETC Dragon scrypt miners for about a week now with no luck, i have given up on the built in LKController thing it came with as it just never seems to work, iv got bfgminer up and going on thr computer, logging into the pool fine, but its just not registering my devices
after reading hundreds of peoples posts and fixes iv downloaded zadig and done the drievrs, iv tried cg miner 3.1.1 (which is what is built in) and higher ones, iv tried copying peoples code and creating a .bat file in the folder of the drive changing the url user password and com port and im still having no luck
This is the screen i get below, the strange tjhing is i have 2 USB devices plugged in, recognises i have one, but with zero speed, and BFGMiner doesnt recognise at all is what it says after doin search all and auto, i really dont know what to do as im a n00b and dont understand this, im trying to learn and mine some LTC as a hobby, so any help is appreciated and very much needed!
very stuck noob guy
>*>*>*>*>*>*>WILL PAY £10.00 OF BTC TO WHOEVER HELPS ME GET THESE GOING<*<*<*<*<*<*<*<*<If you have experience setting these up or even just with crypto mining in general and think you can help me please send me a message, may need to skype or something so i can show you pics while you walk me through it, but yes will pay the person who succeeds