You should download the BTCD wallet
I have never been able to download the BTCD wallet. Where did you get yours?
On it says "download soon", how long means "soon"?
I have bought BTCD on NXT AE and they're useless if I can't get a working wallet.
I thought I had a working wallet and made the mistake to send 100 BTCD to an address given by this wallet but I only had one active connection and didn't get a single block for 2 weeks I had this wallet open.
Has anyone else had any issues with their wallet?
I have a recent computer with windows 10 (64bits).
Thanks for helping if you have any clue what to do.
Stepwise guide to help you
1) To get the BitcoinDark-QT client for windows
Runs just like a normal QT of any other coin.
2) Open up BitcoinDark Folder
3) Open bitcoindark.conf in a text editor
4) Copy and paste in conf file ( Some current peers just pulled now )
5) Run Bitcoindark-QT